State Guide: Forms and Fees for Business Formation

Regardless of which business formation path you take -- whether it's a limited liability company (LLC), general partnership, or some other legal structure -- you likely will need to file with the state in which you operate. This process typically requires the payment of certain fees as well. If you already have formed your business, you still may need to pay an annual reporting fee and other types of fees associated with specific processes.

The following table provides you with access to business organization forms and filing fee information for the 50 states and Washington, DC. Please keep in mind that states tend to change their websites periodically.

Ready to form your LLC with confidence? Our trusted partner LegalZoom has packages starting at $0 + filing fees.

Alabama Filing Fees for Corporations Division Forms
Alaska Forms and Fees
Arkansas Forms and Filing Fees
Arizona Filing Checklists and Forms
California Forms / Samples
Colorado Business Divisions Forms Index
Fee Schedule
File a Document
Connecticut Commercial Forms
Delaware Corporate Forms and Certificates
Division of Corporations Fee Schedule
District of Columbia DCRA Document Management System
Florida Forms
Corporation Fees
Georgia Create or Form a New Domestic Entity
Hawaii Registration Forms and Information
Idaho Business Entity Main Page
Illinois Publications and Forms
Indiana Forms
Iowa Business Entity Forms and Fees
Kansas Business Services Main Page
Kentucky Business Forms Library
Louisiana Forms
Maine Business Corporations Forms and Fees
Non-Profit Corporations Forms and Fees
Limited Liability Company (LLC) Forms and Fees
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Forms and Fees
Maryland Register Your Business
Massachusetts Downloadable Forms and Fax Filing
Filing Fees
Michigan New Business Registration
Minnesota Business Forms and Fees
Mississippi Business Information Center
Missouri Steps for Starting a Business
Montana Business Forms
Nebraska Corporate and Business Forms
Nevada Forms & Fees
New Hampshire New Hampshire Business Registration
New Jersey Licenses and Permits
Starting a Business
New Mexico Business Services
New York

Business Filings

North Carolina Division of Corporations Forms and Fees
North Dakota

New Business Registration Portal

Ohio Filing and Payments
Oklahoma Business Forms
Oregon Forms and Fee Schedule
Pennsylvania Forms for Businesses
Rhode Island Rhode Island Business Services
South Carolina Business Filings
South Dakota Filing and User Fees
Tennessee Forms and Fee Schedules
Texas Business Organization Forms
Fee Schedule
Utah Forms
Vermont Forms
Filing Fees
Virginia Business Entity Forms
West Virginia Business Filing Forms
Washington Registration Forms
Wisconsin Forms
Fee Schedules

Business Forms and Publications
Filing Fee Schedule

See FindLaw's Incorporation and Legal Structures section for more articles and resources.

Give Your New Business the Best Chance at Success: Talk to a Local Business Attorney

Deciding which of the many business structures is best for your business will depend on a number of factors, including the nature and size of your organization. In addition to identifying and filing the proper paperwork with your state, you will need to understand the tax and liability implications of a given business form. Contact a local business organizations attorney today for insight into the right business structure, tax considerations, and more.

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