How To Get a DBA in Idaho in Three Steps

A DBA (“doing business as”) is the name small business owners may choose to sell their products or services. The DBA is not the legal name of your business but rather the one presented to the public. In the state of Idaho, a DBA is generally called an “assumed business name.” Read on for more information on obtaining an Idaho assumed business name and answers to frequently asked questions.

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If you have a sole proprietorship and you want to use a name for your new business that is different from its legal business name, you need an Idaho DBA. For example, if you would like to make your type of business clear, you may choose to register a DBA such as “Max’s Musical Instruments.”

Do You Need a DBA in Idaho?

If you plan to use a different name than your business’s legal name in Idaho, you must register its assumed business name. You need an Idaho DBA to preserve that name for your business entity and prevent others from using it.

A DBA can also help build and enhance your brand, protect your business’s name from being confused with another business, and discourage other entities from claiming your DBA name or alleging that you infringed on their company name.

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3 Steps to Obtaining an Idaho DBA


Conduct Name Search

Before registering a new DBA in Idaho, your first step is ensuring the name is available. Your business name should be distinctive. Although the Idaho Secretary of State allows sole proprietorships to register a name currently being used by another business, other business structures, such as corporations and limited liability companies (LLCs), must have unique names.

There are three main ways you can make sure the name you want is available:

  • Idaho Business Name Search. Idaho’s online database of registered business names, trade names, and fictitious names is your first stop for determining whether your chosen name is available.

  • Internet Search. Searching on your favorite search engine can tell you whether your chosen name is being used anywhere in the world. You can also look up domain registrations on ICANN. If you do find that another entrepreneur is already using the name, you can then weigh the potential risks of using it as well. For instance, if the existing brand is already well known, there could be brand confusion or even potentially additional legal issues with using the name. Moreover, if the other business becomes a topic of controversy, you may not want to share that DBA name.

  • Trademark Search. The USPTO trademark database includes all names with registered federal trademarks.

If your Idaho assumed business name is not trademarked, you can do so through the USPTO. Additionally, if the domain name is available, you can reserve the website name to prevent others from purchasing and using the URL.


Complete the Certificate of Assumed Business Name

Idaho requires that you file a Certificate of Assumed Business Name form, which is available online, with the Idaho Secretary of State. 

For your DBA filing, you must supply:

  • The “assumed business name”

  • The individual and/or entity names and business addresses of those doing business under the assumed business name

  • The general type of business

  • Mailing address for future correspondence 

You can either submit the form online, print it out and mail it, or deliver it in person.


File the Certificate of Assumed Business Name Form

The form may be submitted online or to the Idaho Secretary of State SOSbiz Website or you can download and mail the form or submit it in person. There is a $25 filing fee; if you file by mail or in person, there is an additional $20 processing fee.

The mailing address is:

Office of the Secretary of State

PO Box 83720

Boise, ID 83720-0080

If you are going in person, the office address is:

Office of the Secretary of State

450 N. 4th Street

Boise, ID 83702

Phone: (208) 334-2301

Note that Idaho has no requirement that you publish notice of your DBA in a newspaper or elsewhere.

After Your DBA Registration

Once your DBA is registered, it will never expire, so you don’t have to renew it. If you need to change your registration, you must fill out and submit the Cancellation or Amendment of Certificate of Assumed Business Name, available online. There is a $10 fee if you file online and a $20 fee if you submit the form in person or by mail.

If you are no longer going to use your DBA, you are required to cancel it by filling out a Cancellation or Amendment of Certificate of Assumed Business Name form and sending it to the Office of the Secretary of State with a $20 processing fee.

FAQs About Idaho DBAs

Frequently Asked Questions

Need Help Filing Your DBA?

If you’re wondering whether a DBA is right for you and would like help filing one, a local business attorney can help guide you in the right direction.

Or you can let our trusted partner LegalZoom handle your name search and DBA application filing for $99 plus filing fees.

Disclaimer: The information presented here does not constitute legal advice or representation. It is general and educational in nature, may not reflect all recent legal developments, and may not apply to your unique facts and circumstances. Consider consulting with a qualified business attorney if you have legal questions.

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