Alaska Gambling Laws

Gambling is regulated by state laws, which are quite varied in how they approach it. A few states prohibit all types of gambling, while others embrace it as a revenue generator and booster for tourism. But most states fall somewhere in-between, with nearly all states allowing some limited forms of gambling (such as bingo) for charitable purposes.

Many states have casinos on Indian reservations in accordance with federal law, regulated by the National Indian Gaming Commission, even in states where non-Indian commercial casinos are prohibited. Gambling comes in many forms, from horse and dog racing to poker and roulette, but usually involves the element of chance (as opposed to skill). State lotteries also are a form of gambling, but are governed under separate laws and operated by the state.

Alaska Gambling Laws: An Overview

Alaska has casinos on Native American reservations, but gambling devices (such as slot machines) are otherwise banned. The state also prohibits horse racing while allowing "dog mushers" contests and other games closely associated with the environment and culture of Alaska. Social gambling in one's private residence is allowed.

Additional provisions of Alaska's gambling laws are listed in the following table.

Code Section 11.66.200; 05.15.680
Gambling Staking or risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or future contingent event not under one's control or influence, upon an agreement or understanding that person will receive something of value in event of a certain outcome.
Horse Racing/Off-Track Betting Prohibited.
Dog Racing/Off-Track Betting Dog mushers' contests allowed.
Casinos Allowed? Gambling devices banned, except on Native American reservations as authorized by the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1986.
Other Kinds of Gambling-Related Activities Allowed or Banned Several games of chance and/or skill allowed, including bingo, Canned Salmon Classic, Deep Freeze Classic, Fish Derby, Goose Classic, Ice Classic, King Slamon Classic, Mercury Classic, Mushing Sweepstakes, Race Classic, Rain Classic, Snow Machine Classic and numbers wheels. Social in-home gambling allowed.

Note: State laws may change at any time through the enactment of newly signed legislation, decisions from higher courts, and other means. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of these pages, you also may want to contact an Alaska criminal defense attorney or gaming attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

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