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Arizona Security Deposit Laws

When a new resident moves into a rental property, they usually have to pay a security deposit. This is an amount of money that helps to minimize the financial loss to the landlord if the tenant breaks the lease and moves out early or causes damage to the property. The rules concerning security deposits are an important aspect of landlord/tenant laws and they vary, depending on the jurisdiction. Read on to learn about Arizona security deposit laws.

Arizona Security Deposit Laws at a Glance

The rules regarding security deposits are filled with legal jargon and can take time to comprehend. To get to the point, without wasting time, see the following plain language guide to Arizona's security deposit laws.


Arizona Revised Statutes Title 33. Property:

  • Section 33-1321 (security deposits)
  • Section 33-1313 (definition of notice)
Statutory Limits for Security Deposits

An Arizona landlord may only charge a tenant the equivalent of one and a half month's rent for a security deposit.

Landlord/Tenant Obligations

Landlord Obligations

  • Landlords are required to conduct a move-out inspection with the tenant to document any property damage.
  • The tenant has a legal right to be present at the walk-through and the landlord must notify the tenant of this right.
  • The landlord doesn't have to allow the tenant to be present at the inspection if the tenant is being evicted and the landlord feels that the tenant poses a threat to their safety.

Tenant Obligations

  • Give notice to the landlord that they're vacating the unit (including the move-out date and request to be present at the inspection);
  • Deliver possession of the unit (leaving the property and returning keys); and
  • Before vacating, make a written request for the security deposit.
What a Landlord Can Withhold

When the tenant moves out, the landlord can keep the tenant's security deposit or a portion of the security deposit to cover the following:

  • Unpaid rent;
  • Repairs for damage that is beyond normal wear and tear;
  • Cleaning costs; and
  • Additional breaches of the lease agreement.
Arizona Security Deposit Return Deadlines The landlord must return the tenant's security deposit (along with an itemized statement of deductions) within 14 days after the tenant moves.

Note: State laws are always subject to change through the passage of new legislation, rulings in the higher courts (including federal decisions), ballot initiatives, and other means. While we strive to provide the most current information available, please consult an attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

Arizona Security Deposit Laws: Related Resources

Talk to an Attorney About Arizona Security Deposit Laws

If you're a tenant who believes that your landlord hasn't complied with Arizona's security deposit laws, don't handle the situation on your own. Legal professionals are available to help you. Get in touch with an Arizona landlord and tenant attorney near you who can assist with the return of your security deposit or help with other related matters.

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