Free Legal Aid in Colorado Springs
Last updated: September 25, 2023
Do you have a legal issue, but can’t afford to hire an attorney? There are many free or low-cost legal service options for El Dorado county residents. The main ways are through legal assistance programs such as the Colorado Legal Services, a nonprofit corporation providing free legal aid to low-income residents and seniors, or through the El Paso State Bar Association. There may be income limits that apply for you to qualify for free/low-cost help. Contact the specific agency to learn more. Below is a list of several organizations available to help you.
General Law
American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado (ACLU of Colorado)
303 E. 17th Ave., Suite 350
Denver, CO 80203
Tel: (303) 777-5482Areas of Law: Discrimination, Election and Voting, Freedom Speech, Freedom of Religion, Immigration Rights, LGBT Rights, Privacy, Police Practices, Jail and Prison Conditions, and other issues of fair treatment by government.
Good to Know: The ACLU does not usually assist in the following types of cases: criminal defense or post-conviction appeals, divorce or child custody disputes, property disputes, tax problems, workers compensation issues, consumer complaints, landlord-tenant disputes, building code issues and complaints about lawyers or judges.
Ask a Lawyer (El Paso County Bar Association)
750 Citadel Dr. E
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Tel: (719) 471-0380Area of Law: Criminal and Civil
Good to Know: This is a free, confidential walk-in legal advice clinic from volunteer attorneys. Lawyers will answer the public's legal questions at this monthly event. The clinic is held at the Citadel Mall, adjacent to the upper level food court area near Guest Services.
Call a Lawyer (El Paso County Bar Association)
Tel: (719) 471-0380Areas of Law: Criminal and Civil
Good to Know: Volunteer attorneys are available to answer basic legal questions via phone free of charge. Calls are strictly confidential. Call to find specific dates and times.
Colorado Legal Services (Colorado Springs Office)
617 S Nevada Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Areas of Law: Family law, Domestic Violence, Divorce, Custody, Guardianship,
Consumer/Debt problems, Housing, Issues for Seniors, including Living Wills, Medical Durable Powers of Attorney, Public Benefits, and Immigration.
Good to Know: CLS does not provide help with traffic or criminal cases. This office serves residents of the following counties: El Paso, Lincoln, Teller; Chaffee, Custer, Fremont, and Park. They also offer several clinics throughout the month including divorce, guardianship and conservatorship, and veteran’s issues.
Modest Means Program (El Paso County State Bar Modest Means Program)
P.O. Box 429
Colorado Springs, CO 80901
Tel: (719) 473-9700Areas of Law: Criminal, Consumer, Family, and Probate
Good to Know: This is a legal referral service run by the State Bar. It is not a free legal aid program. They assist people whose income is too high to qualify for free legal services, but too low to pay a lawyer’s standard rate. You must fill out an application to see if you qualify.
Self Help Center and Domestic Violence Protection Orders (El Paso County Judicial Building)
270 S. Tejon, Room 101
Colorado Springs, CO 80901
Tel: (719) 452-5555Areas of Law: Civil, Family, Domestic Violence
Good to Know: This service is at the courthouse for self-represented parties. Litigant Coordinators answer questions, direct people to available forms, and provide information on a variety of court procedures. They do not provide legal advice, act as attorneys, or help fill out forms for clients.
Civil Rights
NAACP Colorado (Branch Office)
603 S. El Paso St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Tel: (719) 475-7255Area of Law: Civil Rights, Employment, Housing, Public Benefits, Police Misconduct, and more.
Good to Know: Legal services are available to low-income African Americans and other minority groups.
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Initiative for Women with Disabilities
P.O. Box 300535
Denver, CO 80203
Tel: (303) 839-5510Area of Law: Disability, Domestic Violence
Good to Know: This is a statewide legal service providing help to battered women and survivors who are disabled or who are victims of caregiver abuse. Call for intake procedures.
Project Safeguard
815 E. 22nd Ave.
Denver, CO 80205
Tel: 1-888-SAFEGRD (723-3473)Area of Law: Domestic Violence, Family law
Good to Know: This is a free statewide legal service for victims of domestic violence. They offer legal services clinics one night a week. Attorneys do not provide in court representation.
Family Law
Self-Represented Litigant Divorce Clinic (Police Station)
705 S. Nevada Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Tel: (719) 471-0380Areas of Law: Divorce
Good to Know: This is a free divorce workshop for those who qualify based on income. You must be registered and prescreened. All screenings happen in person. No phone calls.
Immigration Law
Catholic Charities of Central Colorado
228 North Cascade Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Tel: (719) 636-2345Area of Law: Domestic Violence, Immigration, Naturalization
Good to Know: Services are by appointment only. Call to learn more.
Colorado Anti-Violence Program
P.O. Box 181085
Denver, CO 80218
Tel: 1-888-557-4441Area of Law: Domestic Violence
Good to Know: This service walks clients through the restraining order process and accompanies them to court if they choose to seek a temporary or permanent restraining order against an abusive partner.