District of Columbia Heroin Laws

Despite heroin references in movies and TV that may glamorize the drug, heroin is illegal under federal and state law. Indeed, heroin laws in the District of Columbia are strict. So if you’re wondering just how much trouble you can get into for either having or dealing “just a little” heroin, you’ve come to the right place. Primarily due to the increased violence surrounding certain drugs, D.C. authorities crack down heavily on both sale and possession of heroin.

Heroin Law Generally

Heroin is one of the drugs with the most devastating consequences for users from both a health and legal standpoint. As with most drugs, however, a heroin offense can vary depending on whether it involves simple possession or distribution. Similarly, the amount of drugs involved plays a key component.

D.C. Heroin Laws

Heroin and remains illegal under both federal and state law. Specifically, first time possession is a misdemeanor, with more severe consequences for dealers and traffickers. Still, the Nations's Capital does offer options for first-time offenders in need of treatment.

Drug Court

While conviction on drug charges can often carry stiff sentences, including prison time, some prosecutors will offer plea bargains to lower-level offenders in exchange for help with a larger case.

Charges and penalties under the District of Columbia's heroin laws are listed in the following column. See FindLaw's Drug Charges section for more articles and resources.

Code Section 48-901.02 et seq.; 48-904.01 et seq
Possession A conviction for possession of heroin for personal use is a misdemeanor punishable by a period of incarceration of up to 180 days, a fine of up to $1,000, or both.
Sale Sale, manufacture, distribution: crime with up to 30 yrs. and/or $500,000; Subsequent offense: double penalties; Within drug-free zone or sale to minors: up to twice the punishment.
Trafficking N/A

Note: Heroin charges are very serious, and with them come very stiff penalties. If you find yourself arrested or accused of a heroin crime, the advice and counsel of a District of Columbia drug crime attorney can be essential. Additionally, there are a wide variety of factors involved in these cases, including the practices of your jurisdiction. An attorney can be beneficial in explaining the true nature of the existing law in D.C.

Research the Law:

District of Columbia Heroin Laws: Related Resources

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