Drug trafficking isn't the first thing that comes to mind when people think of the Gem State, and that’s definitely a good thing. But that doesn’t mean Idaho authorities don’t take drug trafficking just as seriously as those in other states and crack down just as heavily on cocaine sale and possession. State law makes both possession and sale felonies, in an effort to deter cocaine manufacturing, trafficking, and use in the state. Here are the basics of cocaine laws in Idaho.
State Cocaine Laws
While cocaine is criminalized nationwide, state cocaine laws can vary in terms of penalties. A conviction for even simple cocaine possession could mean 14 years in prison, depending on the amount and whether the person has prior drug convictions, and selling cocaine could result in life imprisonment.
Cocaine Statutes in Idaho
The chart below highlights Idaho's cocaine statutes.
Code Section
Idaho Statutes 37-2701, et seq.: Uniform Controlled Substances
Felony, up to 7 yrs. and/or $15,000; Subsequent offense: double penalties; Possession of 28 g. or more is trafficking
Felony, up to life and $25,000; Subsequent offense: double penalties
28-200 g.: Mandatory 3 yrs. and minimum $10,000; 200-400 g.: Mandatory 5 yrs. and minimum $15,000; Over 400 g.: mandatory 10 yrs. and minimum $25,000; Maximum sentence life; maximum fine $100,000
As noted above, cocaine is listed as a Schedule I narcotic. Therefore, the federal government and every state prohibit everything from simple cocaine possession all the way up to manufacturing and cultivation and trafficking and distribution. And federal drug crime penalties can be even more severe if you are convicted of possession or sale of cocaine across state lines.
Some states, however, defer first and second-time drug charges to specialized “drug courts.” These courts can give some defendants the opportunity to enroll to drug treatment programs rather than face lengthy jail sentences. The Judicial Branch’s Problem Solving Courts are in charge of Idaho's Drug Courts.
Related Resources for Idaho Cocaine Laws
Drug crimes can be serious matters, and state drug laws can be confusing. FindLaw's section on Drug Charges can provide you with further articles and information on this topic. If you would like legal assistance with a drug crime matter, you can consult with an experienced Idaho drug crime attorney. Finally, if you think you or someone you know may have a drug or substance abuse problem, Idaho's Department of Health and Welfare has resources that can help.