Idaho Corporal Punishment in Public Schools Laws

Corporal punishment is the use of spanking, paddling, or other forms of physical force for disciplinary purposes. Virtually all U.S. schools used corporal punishment just a few generations ago, but it has fallen out of favor with many parents and children's advocates. While most states now prohibit the use of corporal punishment in public schools, some states permit it or at least let individual districts devise their own policies. Regardless of any written policy, physical punishment that isn't justified, results in serious injury, or inflicts intense pain may be considered child abuse. But even states that prohibit the use of physical force by teachers will allow it in certain situations, such as in the defense of other students.

Districts in states that allow corporal punishment in public schools often have written policies and require witnesses for liability purposes. Most states also allow parents to opt out if they don't approve of using physical punishment against their children.

Corporal Punishment in Idaho Public Schools: The Basics

Idaho code does not specifically mention corporal punishment, although there is a vague reference to discipline allowing "any reasonable rule or regulation to control and maintain discipline" in the classroom. Beyond that, there is no clear rule on when and to what degree corporal punishment may be used in the state's public institutions (check with your local school district for more information).

See FindLaw's School Discipline section for related articles and resources, including School Discipline History. You may also want to check out FindLaw's Child Abuse section.

Code Section 33-1224
Punishment Allowed Teacher shall have the power to adopt any reasonable rule or regulation to control and maintain discipline in, and otherwise govern, the classroom, not inconsistent with any statute or rule or regulation of the board of trustees.
Circumstances Allowable Not specified by statute.

Note: State laws are always subject to change at any time through the enactment of newly signed statutes or other avenues, such as precedent-setting rulings from higher courts. Make sure you contact an Idaho education attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

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Corporal Punishment in Idaho Public Schools: Related Resources

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