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Idaho Marriage License and Blood Test Requirements

Before a couple can get legally married in Idaho, they must first obtain a marriage license. County Recorders in Idaho can issue a marriage licenses to any couple that applies and is entitled to get married under the laws of Idaho. This article provides a brief overview of Idaho's marriage license and blood test requirements.

Who Can Get Married in Idaho?

Generally, individuals must be at least 18 years old to get married in Idaho. However, with parental consent, a person can marry at 16 or 17, but only if there is no more than a three-year age gap between the two parties. However, age isn't the only requirement for a marriage license in Idaho. The table below outlines other types of prohibited marriages in Idaho.

Code Section

Idaho Code sections 32-205 to 32-207

Incestuous Marriages


Marriages between parents and children, ancestors and descendants of every degree, brothers and sisters (both half and whole blood), uncles and nieces, or aunts and nephews, are incestuous and void from the beginning.
Marriages Between First Cousins

All marriages between first cousins are prohibited.

Polygamous Marriages


In Idaho you can only be legally married to one person at a time. Therefore, any subsequent marriage entered into by a married person is illegal and void from the beginning unless:
  • The former marriage has been annulled or dissolved, or
  • The former husband or wife was absent and not know to their spouse to be living for five successive years immediately preceding, or was generally reputed, and was believed by the spouse to be dead when the subsequent marriage was entered into

Applying for a Marriage License in Idaho

To apply for a marriage license in Idaho, the couple needs to appear together at a County Recorder's Office. The couple must pay a filing fee of approximately $30, and fill out a marriage license application. Each party must provide their social security number (non-U.S. residents should bring identification from their home country), and proof of identity and age (e.g. driver's license, state-issued ID card, passport, or birth certificate).

Idaho Doesn't Have a Blood Test Requirement

In Idaho, couples aren't required to take a blood test in order to obtain a marriage license.


If any minister or officer presumes to perform a marriage ceremony without a valid marriage license, or with the knowledge that either party isn't legally competent to get married, he or she commits a misdemeanor offense that is punishable by a fine of $50 to $200.

Additionally, any person who misrepresents any fact on their marriage license application, or any licensing officer who improperly issues a marriage license, is guilty of a misdemeanor offense.

Additional Resources

State laws change frequently. For case specific information regarding Idaho's marriage license and blood test requirements contact a local family law lawyer.

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