In Indiana, it's illegal to expose your private parts to others in public. This crime is commonly referred to as indecent exposure, but is referred to as both “indecent exposure” and “public indecency" in Indiana. Public nudity is also prohibited.
The Indiana indecent exposure laws and their penalties are outlined in the table below.
Code Sections
Indiana Code, Title 35: Criminal Law & Procedure, Article 45: Offenses Against Public Health, Order, and Decency, Chapter 4: Indecent Acts and Prostitution
What is Prohibited?
Three types of indecent exposure are prohibited in Indiana:
- Public indecency - Knowingly having sex or other sexual conduct, appearing nude to sexually arouse another, or fondling your own or another's genitals in a public place. It’s also being nude (pubic area, butt, or female nipples exposed or a covered clearly erect penis) in public in order to be seen by a child under 16. It’s a Class A misdemeanor. If a person was previously convicted of this or a similar charge in another state, it's a Level 6 felony.
- Indecent exposure - When a person engages in the activities described above for public indecency, but in a place that isn't public, although with the intent to be seen by the public. This is a Class C misdemeanor.
- Public nudity - Intentionally appearing in public nude, with pubic area, posterior, or female nipples exposed or a covered clearly erect penis. Usually, public nudity is a Class C misdemeanor. However, if done with the intent to be seen by a person, it's a Class B misdemeanor. If done intentionally at a school, park, or on an Indiana Department of Natural Resources property with intent to sexually arouse anyone, it's a Class A misdemeanor. If the defendant had a previous conviction, it's increased to a Level 6 felony.
The penalties, including possible jail time and fines, vary based on the misdemeanor class or felony level. The relevant penalties for public indecent exposure in Indiana are:
- Level 6 Felony - 6 months to 2.5 years incarceration and a fine up to $10,000
- Class A Misdemeanor - up to 1 year incarceration and a fine of up to $5,000
- Class B Misdemeanor - up to 180 days incarceration and a fine of up to a $1,000
- Class C Misdemeanor - up to 60 days incarceration and a fine of up to a $500
Note: On July 1, 2014 Indiana criminal law changed from classifying felonies as Classes A-D to Levels 1-6. Some individuals, literature, or websites may still refer to the old classification system. Contact an experienced Indiana criminal defense attorney for up to date information.
Note: State laws are always subject to change through the passage of new legislation, rulings in the higher courts (including federal decisions), ballot initiatives, and other means. While we strive to provide the most current information available, please consult an attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.
Research the Law
Indiana Indecent Exposure Laws: Related Resources
Arrested for Indecent Exposure in Indiana? Get in Touch with a Lawyer
An allegation of a sex crime in Indiana should never be taken lightly. If convicted, you could face the penalties listed above including the possibility of registering as a sex offender, depending on the nature of your actions. If you've been charged with indecent exposure, or any other sex crime, it's in your best interest to contact a sex crime lawyer in Indiana to learn more about the charges you're facing and the possible penalties involved.