Kansas Marriage License and Blood Test Requirements

Getting married can be stressful. Planning a wedding takes lots of work and figuring out marriage license requirements can sometimes be difficult. Kansas, like all other states, has a few requirements that must be met in order to obtain a marriage license.

In Kansas, you must be 18 years of age or older (or have the consent of both parents, a legal guardian, or a district court judge if 16-17 years of age), provide a certified birth certificate, and pay a fee, the cost of which may vary depending upon the county. There are no residency or blood test requirements. This is a quick summary of Kansas marriage license and blood test requirements.

Kansas Marriage License and Blood Test Requirements

The following table outlines marriage license and blood test requirements in Kansas.

Code Sections KAN. STAT. ANN. § 23-2501 et seq.
Where to Obtain a License

County Clerk Office

Age Requirements

18 or older.

Those 16-17 years of age must have either notarized, written consent from both parents or legal guardian or consent of a judge. If there is only consent from one parent, consent of a judge is still required.

A judge may allow a person 15 years of age to marry if the judge finds it to be in that person's best interest.

Residency Requirement No.
Identification Requirements

Certified birth certificate.

Blood Test Requirement No.
Other Requirements Cannot be related to the person or have a spouse. If divorced, the decree must be filed over 30 days prior.
How Long is the License Valid? 6 months.
Same Sex Marriage Issue is currently in litigation.
Fees Generally $59. However, the cost may vary depending upon the county.
Who Can Preside Over the Ceremony?

An authorized officiant who conducts the ceremony in the presence of at least two competent witnesses over 18 years of age, a currently ordained clergyman or other religious authority from a religious denomination or society, licentiate of a denominational body, appointee of a bishop serving as the regular clergyman of any church or denomination, current or retired judge or justice of a court of record, municipal city judge, or by the couple themselves through mutual declaration in accord with the customs, rules and regulations of any religious society, denomination or sect to which one them belongs.

Waiting Period 3 days.

Kansas Marriage License Requirements: Related Resources

If you need legal assistance with a marriage issue, you may wish to contact a Kansas family law attorney. You can also visit Findlaw's Marriage Law Overview, Can Prenuptial Agreements Help You?, Tips for Marriage and Marriage FAQs for more articles and information on this topic.

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