Michigan Compulsory Education Laws

State laws require children between certain ages to attend some form of education, whether it's a public school, private school, homeschool, or something else. Michigan compulsory education laws require children between the ages of six and 16 to attend school and allows for homeschooling, as long as it teaches subjects comparable to those taught in corresponding public school classes.

The details of Michigan's compulsory education laws are listed in the following table. See FindLaw's Compulsory Education section for additional articles and resources.

Code Section 380.1561, et seq.
Age at Which School Attendance is Required Between 6 and 16
Exceptions to Attendance Requirements Enrolled in approved non-public school which teaches subjects comparable to those in public schools to children of same age; under 9 years old and doesn't reside within 2.5 miles of nearest traveled road of public school and transportation not provided; age 12 to 13 while in attendance of confirmation classes not to exceed 5 months
Home School Provisions An organized education program which teaches subjects comparable to those taught in public schools to children of corresponding age and grade
Penalties on Parents for Noncompliance Warrant issued, hearing and determination made; misdemeanor: fine of $5 to $50 and/or 2 to 90 days jail

Note: State laws are constantly changing -- contact a Michigan education attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

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