Montana Prayer in Public Schools Laws
By Jade Yeban, J.D. | Legally reviewed by Susan Mills Richmond, Esq. | Last reviewed March 22, 2024
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In America, the conversation around public education and religious expression can be complex. Montana, like every state, navigates these waters under the guidance of both the U.S. Constitution and its state laws.
This article sheds light on prayer in Montana's public schools. It explores the delicate balance of ensuring religious freedom and separating church and state. This is especially true regarding prayer and reading religious materials in the educational context.
Let's explore Montana's prayer in public school laws in more detail.
Prayer in American Public Schools: A Brief Overview
The history of prayer in American public schools reflects a complex journey. This journey has evolved with the understanding of religious liberty and public education. In the early days of America, school days might have begun with a prayer or reading from the Bible. This was a time when the boundaries between church and state were less defined.
Landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions, starting with Engel v. Vitale (1962), set the stage for a clear boundary. Public schools are funded by public funds. They could not sponsor religious activities due to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
This principle was further reinforced in cases like Kennedy v. Bremerton School District (2022). In this case, the court ruled on the limits of religious expression on school grounds and during school-sponsored events, allowing the exercise of religion by a football coach who engaged in quiet personal prayer.
Montana Prayer in Public School Laws
In Montana, federal precedents and state laws guide public education. The Montana Constitution echoes the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment. It protects the free exercise of religion while preventing the state's establishment of religion.
Students in Montana public schools can engage in personal religious practices. This can include prayer or reading religious materials during free reading time. The school district and its employees cannot endorse a religion or lead those activities during the school day or at school-sponsored events, but they can begin the day with a prayer.
Montana legislature has also been active in this domain. House bills may be introduced to further clarify the extent to which religious expression is allowed on school grounds. This aims to respect both the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause.
Such laws ensure that religious groups can use school facilities after hours on the same terms as non-religious groups. Overt religious activities remain outside the school's endorsement.
Overview of Montana Prayer in Public Schools Law
The chart below offers additional explanation of Montana's prayer in public school laws in plain language. See FindLaw's Religion at School section for more articles related to school prayer. The School Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance: Constitutionality article also provides more insight.
Applicable Code Section |
Montana § 20-7-112 |
What is Allowed? |
A publication of a sectarian or denominational character may not be distributed in any school. Instruction may not be given advocating sectarian or denominational doctrines, but any teacher, principal, or superintendent may open the school day with a prayer. This section does not prohibit a school library from including the Bible or other religious material having cultural, historical, or educational significance. (Despite the wording of Montana's statute, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled differently. It states that opening the school day with a prayer or any other kind of religious language is unconstitutional.) |
Note: State laws are subject to change at any time through the enactment of newly signed legislation or voter-approved ballot initiatives, decisions from higher courts, and other means. We strive to ensure the accuracy of these pages. You also may want to contact a Montana education law attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.
Getting Legal Help
Navigating the complexities of education law, religious beliefs, and public policy can be challenging for students and their parents. It can also challenge educators and school board members alike.
Whether it's understanding the implications of a new Montana bill or a Supreme Court ruling, legal guidance is often necessary. Lawyers with experience in education law or constitutional law can provide clarity.
Consider consulting with an education law attorney about your case.
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