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North Dakota State Lotteries Laws

State lotteries are state-run games of chance that often include both scratch-off tickets and drawings, typically for cash prizes. North Dakota state lottery laws specifically earmark 26 percent of all lottery revenues for state funds and projects such as public education, and half of the revenue for prizes for winners. Learn more about the Flickertail state's lottery laws in the following article.

North Dakota State Lottery Laws

The North Dakota Lottery is responsible for administering, regulating, enforcing, and promoting the state's lottery. The Lottery selects and licenses retailers, trains employees of retailers to use lottery terminals, sell tickets, and redeem winning tickets, assists retailers in promoting lottery games, pays high-tier prizes to players, and ensures that retailers and players comply with the lottery law and rules.

The North Dakota Lottery conducts five (5) multistate games:

Where Does the Money Go?

The breakdown of each $1 Lottery ticket is:

  • Prizes Expense - 51 percent
  • Contracted Services - 9 percent
  • Retailer Commissions - 5 percent
  • Advertising/Marketing Expense - 2 percent
  • Administrative/Operating Expense - 4 percent
  • Compulsive Gambling Prevention and Treatment Fund - 1 percent
  • Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Force Grant Fund - 1 percent
  • Prize Reserve Pools - 1 percent
  • State General Fund - 26 percent

Learn about North Dakota's state lottery laws in the following summary chart and/or the in-depth description below. See Details on State Lottery Laws for more information.

More on State Lottery Laws

Code Section 53-12-01 et seq.
Distribution of Lottery Revenue 50% for prizes, payment of expenses, 5% to compulsive gambling prevention and treatment fund, remainder to state general fund
Additional Purpose of Lottery -
Lottery Prize Subject to Garnishment For prizes over $600, those owing debt to agencies, with priority to child support payments
Time Limit to Claim Prize/Disposition Set by attorney general, but no more than 1 year
Prohibited Related Activities forged/altered tickets; sale to minors; sale above fixed price

Note: State laws are subject to change at any time through the enactment of new legislation or other means, such as decisions from higher courts. We strive to ensure the accuracy of these pages, but you also may want to contact a North Dakota gaming attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

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