Oregon Child Abuse Laws

Child abuse is a serious crime that negatively impacts the entire family. In most states, the crime of child abuse includes physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation, and neglect. Generally, child abuse violations are defined as an act (or failure to act, such as neglect) that results in imminent risk or serious harm to a child's health and welfare, affects a child (under the age of 18), and is committed by a parent or caregiver who is responsible for that child's welfare.

Oregon Child Abuse Laws at a Glance

Oregon's child abuse statute covers all of the offenses discussed above, but also includes the act of allowing a child to engage in prostitution; buying or selling a child; and permitting a child to enter a place where methamphetamines are manufactured. Violations are charged as a Class A misdemeanor, which carried a maximum one-year jail sentence and a fine of up to $6250.

Additional details about child abuse laws in Oregon, including a list of mandatory reporters, can be found in the following chart. See FindLaw's Child Abuse section to learn more.

Code Section 419B.005-100
What Constitutes Abuse Any assault of a child and any physical injury to a child caused by other than accidental means (including injuries at variance with explanation given for injury), rape, sexual abuse/exploitation, allowing child to engage in prostitution, failure to provide adequate care, buying or selling child as described in ORS 163.537, negligent treatment, threatening harm to child's health or welfare, any mental injury which includes observable and substantial impairment to child's ability to function or permitting a child to enter or remain in a place where methamphetamines are being manufactured
Mandatory Reporting Required By Any public or private official, including: peace/law enforcement officers, physician, dentist, nurse, school employee, department of human resources employee, psychologist, clergyman, social worker, chiropractor, optometrist, day care or child care worker, attorney, professional counselor, therapist, EMT, firefighter, naturopathic physician (see right), special advocate
Basis of Report of Abuse/neglect Have reasonable cause to believe that child has suffered abuse or has inflicted abuse on child
To Whom Reported Local office of Dept. of Human Services
Penalty for Failure to Report or False Reporting Class A violation

Note: State laws are always subject to change, usually through new legislation, voter-approval of ballot initiatives, or appellate court decisions. Be sure to contact an Oregon criminal defense attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

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