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Fishing Laws by State

All states and D.C. allow fishing in state waters and in surrounding saltwater, but each state has specific licensure regulations and fees. Most states have open fishing seasons year-round, and others restrict their seasons for certain fish species. Know what a fishing license will cost and what season open dates are in each state before planning your next fishing trip.

State Fishing Regulations at a Glance

State Regulations and Laws License and Registration Required? License Fees Fishing Season Dates
  • Residents are required to obtain a license to legally fish freshwater and saltwater in the state of Alabama.
  • Non-residents are required to obtain a license to legally fish freshwater and saltwater in the state of Alabama.
  • A resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $14.05, a daily freshwater fishing license fee of $6.45.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $54.20, a 7-day trip freshwater fishing license fee of $30.40, a 3-day trip freshwater fishing license fee of $30.40.
  • A non-resident college student must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $14.50
  • A non-resident must pay an annual public freshwater fishing license fee of $13.10, or a 1-day public freshwater fishing license fee of $7.55.
  • A resident must pay a saltwater fishing license fee of $24.35, a single trip license fee of $10.15, or a pier saltwater fishing license fee of $6.40.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $52.20, a single trip license fee of $28.85, or a pier saltwater fishing license fee of $11.85.
  • Residents and non-residents must pay an additional Gulf Reef Fishing Endorsement fee of $10 when saltwater fishing.

Alabama freshwater fishing season is year-round.


Alaska Statutes Title 16. Fish and Game section 16.05.340

  • Residents, 18 years of age and older, are required to obtain a license to legally fish freshwater and saltwater in the state of Alaska.
  • Residents over the age of 60 or who are disabled veterans of the military are exempt from fishing license requirements.
  • Non-residents, 16 years of age and older, are required to obtain a license to legally fish freshwater and saltwater in the state of Alaska.
  • A resident must pay an annual sport fishing license fee of $20.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual sport fishing license fee of $100, a 1-day sport fishing license fee of $15, a 3-day sport fishing license fee of $30, a 7-day sport fishing license fee of $45, or a 14-day sport fishing license fee of $75.
  • A non-resident member of the military must pay an annual sport fishing license fee of $20. Residents and non-residents are required to obtain an additional stamp for King Salmon fishing.

Alaska fishing season is year-round.


Arizona Title 17. Game and Fish section 17-331

A license is required for residents and non-residents over the age of 10 to legally fish in Arizona.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $3 or
    • An annual community fishing license fee of $24
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $55 or
    • An annual community fishing license fee of $24.

Arizona fishing season is year-round.


Arkansas Code Title 15. Natural Resources and Economic Development section 15-42-104

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Arkansas.

  • A resident must pay an annual combination sportsman's license fee of $35.50 or
    • 3-day trip fishing license fee of $6.50.
  • A resident must pay an annual fisheries conservation license fee of $10.50.
  • A resident must pay an annual trout Permit fee of $10.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $50 or
    • 3-day trip fishing license fee of $16
    • 7-day trip fishing license fee of $25.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual trout permit fee of $20

Arkansas fishing season is year-round.


California Code, Fish and Game Code - FGC section 7149.05

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in California.

  • A resident must pay an annual sport fishing license fee of $52.66.
  • A resident disabled veteran or recovering service member must pay an annual sport fishing license fee of $7.98.
  • A resident must pay an annual sport fishing license for low-income senior (65 years of age or older) fee of $7.98
  • A resident Native American may obtain a fishing license free of charge.
  • A resident that is blind, developmentally disabled, or mobility impaired may obtain an annual sport fishing license free of charge.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual sport fishing license fee of $142.05 or
    • 10-day sport fishing license fee of $52.66
    • 2-day sport fishing license fee of $26.49
    • 1-day sport fishing license fee of $17.02.

California fishing season is year-round for divers and shore-based anglers. California fishing season is from March through December for boat-based anglers.


Colorado Revised Statutes Title 33. Parks and Wildlife section 33-4-102. Types of licenses and fees—rules

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Colorado.

  • A resident must pay an annual habitat stamp fee of $10.40.
  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $36.08 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $14.23.
  • A resident youth (ages 16–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $10.07.
  • A resident senior (65 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $10.07.
  • A resident low-income senior (64 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $9.85.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual habitat stamp fee of $10.40.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $100.57 or
    • 5-day fishing license fee of $32.95
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $17.35.

Colorado fishing season is year-round.


Connecticut General Statutes Title 26. Fisheries and Game section 26-28. Hunting, trapping, and sport fishing license fees

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Connecticut.

  • A resident must pay an annual inland fishing license fee of $28.
  • A resident youth (ages 16–17) must pay an annual inland annual fishing license fee of $14.
  • A resident senior (age 65 and older) may obtain an annual inland fishing license free of charge.
  • A resident must pay an annual all waters annual fishing license fee of $32.
  • A resident youth (ages 16–17) must pay an annual all waters fishing license fee of $16.
  • A resident Disabled person may obtain an annual fishing license free of charge.
  • A resident must pay annual marine water annual fishing license fee of $10 or
    • 1-day marine waters fishing license fee of $5.
  • A resident youth (ages 16–17) must pay an annual marine waters annual fishing license fee of $5 or
    • 1-day marine waters fishing license fee of $3.
  • A resident senior may obtain an annual marine waters fishing license free of charge.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual inland season fishing license fee of $55 or
    • 3-day day inland fishing license fee of $22.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual all waters season fishing license fee of $63.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual marine waters fishing license fee of $94 or
    • 3-day marine waters fishing license fee of $8.
  • An armed forces member must pay an annual inland fishing license fee of $28.
  • An armed forces member must pay an annual marine waters annual fishing license fee of $10.

Connecticut fishing season for inland fishing is year-round in lakes and ponds, and April through February in rivers and streams. Marine waters fishing season is year-round.


Delaware Code Title 7. Conservation.

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Delaware.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $8.50.
  • A resident must pay an annual trout stamp fee of $4.20.
  • A resident youth (ages 12–15) must pay an annual trout stamp fee of $2.10.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $20 or
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $12.50
  • A non-resident must pay an annual trout stamp fee of $6.20.

Delaware tidal fishing season is year-round with season restrictions and certain species of fish. Delaware non-tidal fishing season is year-round.


District of Columbia Code Division I. Government of District. section 8-2221.28. Council's authority with respect to wild animals, fishing licenses, and migratory birds;  exception;  “wild animals" defined.

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish recreationally in D.C.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $10 or
    • A 14-day fishing license fee of $6.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $13.

D.C. fishing season is year-round with the exception of bass fishing season from mid-June through February.


Florida Statutes Title XXVIII. Natural Resources; Conservation, Reclamation, and Use section 379.354. Recreational licenses, permits, and authorization numbers;  fees established

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish freshwater and saltwater in Florida.

  • A resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $17 or
    • A 5-year fishing license fee of $79.
  • A resident youth (ages 8–15) must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $17.
  • A resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $17 or
    • A 5-year saltwater fishing license fee of $79.
  • A resident may fish saltwater from the shoreline free of charge.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $47 or
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $17
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $30.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $47 or
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $17
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $30.

Florida fishing season is year-round.


Georgia Code Title 27. Game and Fish section 27-2-1

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Georgia.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $15.
  • A resident youth (16 years of age and under) is required to pay a one-time fishing license fee of $10.
  • A resident senior must pay an annual fishing license fee of $7.
  • A resident must pay an annual trout license fee of $10 or
    • 1-day trout fishing license fee of $5
    • Every additional day a trout fishing license fee of $1.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $50 or
    • 1-day trout fishing license fee of $10
    • Every additional day a trout fishing license fee of $3.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual trout license fee of $25 or
    • 1-day license fee of $10
    • Every additional day a license fee of $2.
  • Residents and non-residents are required to apply for a Saltwater Information Program permit free of charge to fish saltwater.

Georgia fishing season is year-round with season restrictions on certain means of fishing.


Hawaii Revised Statutes Division 1. Government section 188-50. License; application; fees; restrictions

A license is required for residents and non-residents over the age of 9 to legally fish in Hawaii.

  • Resident fishing license fees:
    • An annual fishing license fee of $6
    • A minor annual fishing license fee of $4
    • A senior fishing license fee of $1
  • Non-resident fishing license fees:
    • An annual fishing license fee of $26
    • A 7-day hunting license fee of $11
    • A 30-day fishing license fee of $21

Hawaii fishing season is year-round except for bottom fishing, which is closed when announced by Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources.


A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Idaho.

  • Resident fishing license fees:
    • An annual adult fishing license fee of $30.50
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $73.75
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $13.50
    • Annual junior (ages 14–17) fishing license fee of $16
    • 3-year junior (ages 14–17) fishing license fee of $37.75
    • Annual military furlough fishing license fee of $20.50
    • Annual disabled person fishing license fee of $5.75
    • Annual disabled American veteran fishing license fee of $5.75
    • Annual salmon or steelhead fishing license fee of $15.25
  • Non-resident fishing license fees:
    • An annual adult fishing license fee of $108
    • A 3-year adult fishing license fee of $320.50
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $22.50
    • Annual junior (ages 14–17) fishing license fee of $23.75
    • A 3-year junior fishing license fee of $67.75
    • 3-day salmon or steelhead fishing license fee of $44.75

Idaho fishing season is year-round with season restrictions on salmon and steelhead fishing.


A license is required for residents and non-residents over the age of 16 to legally fish in Illinois.

  • Resident fishing license fees:
    • An annual fishing license fee of $15
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $5.50
    • Senior (65 years of age and older) fishing license fee of $7.75
    • 75 years of age and older fishing license fee of $1.50
    • Lifetime sport fishing license fee of $435
  • Non-resident fishing license fees:
    • An annual fishing license fee of $31.50
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $15.50
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $10.50

Illinois fishing season is year-round with season restrictions on trout and smelt fishing.


Indiana Code Title 14. Natural and Cultural Resources section 14-22-11-8

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Indiana.

  • Resident fishing license fees:
    • An annual fishing license fee of $17
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $9
    • An annual senior fishing license fee of $3
    • Lifetime senior fishing license fee of $17
    • Trout and salmon fishing stamp fee of $11
  • Non-resident fishing license fees:
    • An annual fishing license fee of $35
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $9
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $20
    • Trout and salmon stamp fee of $11

Indiana fishing season is year-round.


Iowa Code section 483A.1—Licenses—fees—rules

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Iowa.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $22 or
    • A 3-year fishing license fee of $62
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $10.50
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $15.50.
  • A resident senior (65 years of age and older) must pay a lifetime fishing license fee of $61.50.
  • A resident must pay an annual boundary water trotline fishing license fee of $26.
  • A resident must pay an annual trout fishing fee of $14.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $48 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $12
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $20.50
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $37.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual boundary water trotline fishing license fee of $49.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual trout fishing fee of $17.50.

Iowa fishing season is year-round except for:

  • Paddlefish on the Mississippi river, March through mid-April
  • Paddlefish on the Missouri and Big Sioux Rivers, February through April
  • Threatened and endangered species are closed seasons year-round
  • Walleye, sauger, and saugeye seasons on West Okoboji Lake, East Okoboji Lake and Spirit Lake, May through mid-February.

Kansas Statutes Chapter 32. Wildlife, Parks and Recreation section 32-906. Fishing licenses

A license is required for residents and non-residents 16 years of age and older to legally fish in Kansas.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $27.50.
  • A resident must pay an annual trout fishing permit fee of $14.50.
  • A resident senior (ages 65–75) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $15.
  • A resident youth (15 years of age and under) must pay an annual trout fishing permit fee of $7.
  • A resident youth (15 years of age and under) must pay an annual hand fishing permit fee of $27.50.
  • A resident must pay an annual hand fishing permit fee of $27.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $52.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual trout fishing permit fee of $14.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual hand fishing permit fee of $27.50.

Kansas fishing season is year-round except for:

  • Hand fishing from mid-June through August
  • Paddlefish snagging from mid-March through mid-May
  • Trout from November through mid-April.

Kentucky Revised Statutes Title XII. Conservation and State Development section 150.170. Requirement of hunting, fishing, trapping, or guide's license;  exceptions;  killing of wildlife causing damage;  reporting requirements;  reciprocity with adjoining states;  exception for active duty or reserve members on military property

A license is required for residents and non-residents over the age of 16 to legally fish in Kentucky.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $23 or
    • Joint spouse annual fishing license fee of $42
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $7
    • 3-year fishing license fee of $55.
  • A resident must pay an annual trout fishing permit fee of $10.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $55 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $15
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $35.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual trout fishing permit fee of $10.

Kentucky fishing season is year-round with season restrictions on certain statewide streams.


Louisiana Revised Statutes Tit. 56, section 302. Recreational fishing license;  recreational gear

A license is required for residents and non-residents over the age of 16 to legally fish in Louisiana.

  • A resident must pay an annual basic fishing license fee of $9.50.
  • A resident senior must pay an annual basic fishing license fee of $5.
  • A resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $13 in addition to a basic fishing license.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual basic fishing license fee of $60 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $5.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $30 in addition to a basic fishing license.

Louisiana fishing season is year-round with season restrictions on saltwater fishing.


Maine Revised Statutes Title 12. Conservation section 12501. General fishing license

A license is required for residents and non-residents 16 years of age and older to legally fish in Maine.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $25 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $11.
  • A resident member of the military must pay an annual fishing license fee of $10.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $64 or
    • A 15-day fishing license fee of $47
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $43
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $23
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $11.

Main fishing seasons year-round except for:

  • Closed season in the North Zone lakes and ponds from October through March
  • Closed season on rivers, streams, and brooks from October through March.

Maryland Code, Natural Resources section 4-602

A license is required for residents and non-residents 16 years of age and older to legally fish in Maryland.

  • A resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $20.50 or
    • 7-day freshwater fishing license fee of $7.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $30.50 or
    • 7-day freshwater fishing license fee dependent on state residency
    • 3-day freshwater fishing license fee dependent on state residency.

Maryland fishing season is year-round except for:

  • Largemouth and smallmouth bass season is from mid-June through February.

Massachusetts General Laws Part I. Administration of the Government (Ch. 1-182) Ch. 131, section 11

A license is required for residents and non-residents 15 years of age and older to legally fish in Massachusetts.

  • A resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $27.50 or
    • 3-day freshwater fishing license fee of $12.50.
  • A resident senior (ages 65–69) must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $16.25.
  • A resident senior over the age of 70 may obtain a freshwater fishing license free of charge.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $37.50 or
    • 3-day freshwater fishing license fee of $12.50.
  • A resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $10
  • A non-resident junior (ages 15–17) must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $11.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $10.

Massachusetts fishing season is year-round with season restrictions on certain fish species.


Michigan Compiled Laws, Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection section 324.43532

A license is required for residents and non-residents 17 years of age and older to legally fish in Michigan.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $26 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $10.
  • A resident senior must pay an annual fishing license fee of $11.
  • A resident legally blind person must pay an annual fishing license fee of $11.
  • A resident youth (under 17 years of age) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $2.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $76 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $10.
  • A non-resident youth (under 17 years of age) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $2.

Michigan fishing season is year-round with season restrictions on certain fish species.


Minnesota Statutes Game and Fish section 97A.405. License requirements

A license is required for residents and non-residents 16 years of age and older to legally fish in Minnesota.

  • A resident adults (18 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $25 or
    • A 3-year fishing license fee of $71
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $14
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $12.
  • A resident youth (ages 16–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $5.
  • Resident couples (legally married) may pay an annual fishing license fee o $40.
  • A non-resident adult (18 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $51 or
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $43
    • 3- day fishing license fee of $36
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $14.
  • A non-resident youth (ages 16–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $5.
  • Non-resident couples (legally married) must pay a 14-day fishing license fee of $54.

Minnesota fishing season is:

  • From mid-may through September in statewide inland waters
  • From mid-May through late May for small mouth and large mouth bass catch and release statewide excluding northeastern Minnesota
  • From mid-May through February for walleye, sauger, and northern pick in statewide inland waters
  • From late May through February for largemouth bass statewide excluding northeastern Minnesota
  • From late May through mid-September for smallmouth bass statewide excluding northeastern Minnesota
  • From early June through November for muskellunge in statewide inland waters
  • From mid-June through mid-April for lake sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon in statewide inland waters
  • From mid-May through February for smallmouth and largemouth bass in northeastern Minnesota.
  • From December through October for lake trout in Lake Superior and tributaries
  • From mid-April through September for brook and brown trout in Lake Superior and tributaries
  • Fro mid-April through September for rainbow trout catch and release in Lake Superior and tributaries
  • From mid-May through February for walleye and northern pike in Lake Superior and tributaries
  • From mid-April through September for stream trout excluding southeastern Minnesota
  • From mid-May through October for stream trout in lakes statewide
  • from mid-April through mid-September for stream trout in southeastern Minnesota.

Mississippi Code Title 49. Conservation and Ecology section 49-7-9. Freshwater fishing licenses

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Mississippi.

  • A resident must pay an annual sportsman's freshwater fishing license fee of $45 or
    • 3-day freshwater fishing license fee of $3.
  • A resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $10.
  • A resident senior (age 65 and older) must pay a lifetime saltwater license fee of $5.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual sportsman's freshwater fishing license fee of $60 or
    • 3-day freshwater fishing license fee of $15
    • 1-day freshwater fishing license of $8.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $30 or
    • 3-day saltwater fishing license fee of $15.

Mississippi fishing season is year-round.


Missouri Revised Statutes Title XVI. Conservation, Resources and Development section 252.040. Taking of wildlife--violations, misdemeanor--fur dealers and buyers violating recordkeeping rules, fine

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Missouri.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $12.
  • A resident member of the military must pay an annual fishing license fee of $5.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $49.
  • Residents and non-residents from Arkansas may purchase an annual White River border lakes permit for a fee of $10.

Missouri fishing season is year-round with season restrictions on:

  • Certain means of fishing on impounded waters
  • Paddlefish season is from mid-March through April
  • Paddlefish on the Mississippi River season is from mid-March through mid-May
  • Black bass in Ozark streams season is from late May through February
  • Trout catch and release season is from mid-November through mid-February.

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Montana.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $31 or
    • 2-day fishing license fee of $15.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $ 103.50 or
    • A 10-day fishing license fee of $73.50
    • 4-day fishing license fee of $67.50
    • 2-day fishing license fee of $42.50.
  • Residents and non-residents must pay a Yellowstone National Park annual fishing license fee of $75 or
    • 7-day Yellowstone National Park fishing license fee of $55
    • 3-day Yellowstone National Park fishing license fee of $40.

Montana fishing season is year-round.


Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapter 37. Game and Parks section 37-401. Hunting, fishing, or fur-harvesting permit;  required, when;  exemptions;  violation;  penalty

A license is required for residents and non-residents 16 years of age and older to legally fish in Nebraska.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $31 or
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $31
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $10
    • A 3-year fishing license fee of $90.50
    • A 5-year fishing license fee of $132.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $84 or
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $37
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $14.50
    • A 3-year fishing license fee of $216.50
    • A 5-year fishing license fee of $326.

Nebraska fishing season is year-round with restrictions on means of fishing.


Nevada Revised Statutes Title 45. Wildlife section 502.240. Fees for licenses and permits

A license is required for residents and non-residents 18 years of age and older to legally fish in Nevada.

  • A resident adult (18 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $40 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $9
    • Additional day fishing license fee of $3.
  • A non-resident adult (18 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $50 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $18
    • Additional day fishing license fee of $7.

Nevada fishing season is year-round.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Title XVIII Fish and Game section 214:1 Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping.

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in New Hampshire.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $45 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $10.
  • A resident senior must pay an annual fishing license fee of $7.
  • A resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $11.
  • A resident must pay an annual clam fishing fee of $30.
  • A resident must pay an annual oyster fishing license fee of $30.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $63 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $15
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $28
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $35.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $11.

New Hampshire fishing seasons:

  • Brook trout, rainbow trout, brown trout and hybrids are year-round with season restrictions on types of bodies of water
  • Lake trout season from January through September
  • Landlocked salmon season from April through September and late April through September in Pleasant Lake and Ne London
  • Largemouth and smallmouth bass year-round with season restrictions on types of bodies of water
  • All other species in rivers and streams season from January through mid-October
  • Trout Ponds from late April through mid-October.
New Jersey

New Jersey Statutes Title 23. Fish and Game, Wild Birds and Animals 23 section 3-4

A license is required for residents and non-residents 16 years of age and older to legally fish in New Jersey.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $22.50.
  • A resident senior must pay an annual fishing license fee of $12.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $34 or
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $19.50
    • 2-day fishing license fee of $9.
  • Residents and non-residents must pay an annual trout stamp fee of $10.50.

New Jersey fishing season is year-round with season restrictions on fishing bass and walleye.

New Mexico

New Mexico Statutes Chapter 17. Game and Fish and Outdoor Recreation section 17-3-1. Current license required

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in New Mexico.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $25 or
    • 5-day fishing license fee of $24
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $12
  • A resident junior (ages 12–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $5.
  • A resident senior (ages 65–69) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $8.
  • Residents over the age of 70 may obtain a hunting license free of charge.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $56 or
    • 5-day fishing license fee of $24
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $12
  • A resident junior (ages 12–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $15.

New Mexico fishing season is year-round.

New York

New York Consolidated Laws, Environmental Conservation Law - ENV section 11-0701. Definitions of licenses and privileges of licensees

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in New York.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $25 or
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $12
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $5.
  • A resident senior (70 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $5.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $50 or
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $28
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $10.

New York fishing season is year-round except for:

  • Trout, landlocked Atlantic salmon, and kokanee seasons is from April through mid-October
  • Black bass season is from late June through November, and December through late June catch and release only
  • Muskellunge season is from late May through November
  • Northern pike, pickerel, tiger muskellunge, and walleye seasons is from late May through mid-March
  • Striped bass season is from April through November
  • Hickory shad season is from August through November.
North Carolina

North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 113. Conservation and Development section 113-174.1. License required;  general provisions governing licenses

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in North Carolina.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $16 or
    • A 10-day fishing license fee of $6.
  • A resident senior (70 years of age and older) must pay a lifetime fishing license fee of $16.
  • A resident disabled veteran must pay an annual fishing license fee of $11.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $32 or
    • 10-day fishing license fee of $11.
  • Residents and non-residents must pay a fee of $4.50 per linear foot for an ocean fishing pier.

North Carolina fishing season is year-round except for:

  • Trout season is from mid-April through February.
North Dakota

North Dakota Century Code Title 20.1. Game, Fish, Predators, and Boating section 20.1-03-03. Licenses to hunt, trap, or fish required of residents

A license is required for residents and non-residents 16 years of age and older to legally fish in North Dakota.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $18.
  • Resident married couples may pay an annual fishing license fee of $24.
  • A resident senior (65 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $5.
  • A disabled resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $5.
  • A resident veteran with a 50% service-related disability must pay an annual fishing license fee of $5.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $48 or
    • A 10-day fishing license fee of $38
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $28.
  • Non-resident married couples may pay an annual fishing license fee of $63.

North Dakota fishing season is year-round.


Ohio Revised Code Title XV. Conservation of Natural Resources section 1533.32

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Ohio.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $19 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $11
  • A resident senior (over the age of 65) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $10.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $40 or
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $19
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $11.

Ohio fishing season is year-round with season restrictions on daily limits of certain fish.


Oklahoma Statute Title 29. Game and Fish section 4-110. Fishing licenses

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Oklahoma.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $25 or
    • 2-day fishing license fee of $15
    • 5-year fishing license fee of $88
    • Lifetime fishing license fee of $225.
  • A resident senior must pay a lifetime fishing license fee of $15.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $55 or
    • 6-day fishing license fee of $35
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $15.

Oklahoma fishing season is year-round.


Oregon Statute section 497.022 Issuance of licenses, tags or permits by appointed agents; procedure; fees

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Oregon.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $44 or
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $59.50
    • 2-day fishing license fee of $42
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $23.
  • Residents must pay an adult combined angling tag for fishing salmon, steelhead, sturgeon, and halibut fee of $46.
  • A resident youth (ages 12–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $110.50 or
    • 7-day fishing license fee of 93.50
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $59.50
    • 2-day fishing license fee of $42
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $23.
  • A non-resident youth (ages 12–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $10.
  • A resident senior (65 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing and hunting combination license fee of $6.
  • Non-residents must pay an adult combined angling tag for fishing salmon, steelhead, sturgeon, and halibut fee of $66.

Oregon fishing season is year-round.


A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Pennsylvania.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $22.97.
  • A resident senior (65 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $11.97 or
    • A lifetime senior fishing license fee of $51.97.
  • A resident must pay an annual trout fishing license fee of $9.97.
  • A resident must pay an annual Lake Erie fishing license fee of $9.97.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $52.97 or
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $34.97
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $26.97
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $26.97.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual trout fishing license fee of $9.97.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual Lake Erie fishing license fee of $9.97.

Pennsylvania fishing season is:

  • From early April through early September for all trout and salmon species, with extended seasons downstream of stocked trout waters
  • From January through mid-February and early September through December for bass fishing in lakes
  • From January through mid-April and November through December for bass fishing in rivers and streams
  • From January through mid-March and May through December for Walleye and saugeye
  • All other species are year-round.
Rhode Island

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Rhode Island.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $18.
  • A resident must pay an annual trout conservation stamp fee of $5.50.
  • Resident senior (65 years of age and older) may obtain an annual fishing license free of charge.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $35.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual trout conservation stamp fee of $5.50.
  • Veterans with 100% service-related disabilities may obtain a fishing license free of charge.

Rhode Island fishing season is year-round with the exception of trout fishing season from early April through November and December through February.

South Carolina

South Carolina Statute Title 50 Fish, Game and Watercraft section 9-510 Hunting and Fishing Licenses

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish freshwater and saltwater in South Carolina.

  • A resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $30 or
    • 14-day fishing license fee of $10
    • 3-year fishing license fee of $30.
  • A resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $10 or
    • 14 day saltwater fishing license fee of $5
    • 3-year saltwater fishing license fee of $30.
  • A resident must pay a season shrimp baiting license and tag fee of $25.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $35 or
    • 14-day freshwater fishing license fee of $11
    • 3-year freshwater fishing license fee of $105.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $35 or
    • 14-day saltwater fishing license fee of $11
    • 3-year saltwater fishing license fee of $105.
  • A non-resident must pay a season shrimp baiting license and tag fee of $500.
  • South Carolina freshwater fishing season is year-round with season restrictions on certain bodies of water.
  • South Carolina saltwater fishing season is year-round.
South Dakota

South Dakota Code Title 41 Game, Fish, Parks, and Forestry section 41-6-76

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in South Dakota.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $28 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $8.
  • A resident senior (65 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $12.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $67 or
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $37
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $16.
  • Non-resident families may pay an annual fishing license fee of $67.

South Dakota fishing season is year-round.


Tennessee Code Title 70. Wildlife Resources section 70-2-102

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Tennessee.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing and hunting (combination only) license fee of $34.
  • A resident junior (ages 13–15) hunt, fish, and trap annual license fee of $10.
  • A resident may pay an annual county of residence fishing license fee of $11 to fish their county only.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing excluding trout license fee of $50 or
    • 10-day fishing excluding trout license fee of $30.50
    • 3-day fishing excluding trout license fee of $20.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing for all species including a trout license fee of $9 or
    • 10-day fishing including trout license fee of $61.50
    • 3-day fishing excluding trout license fee of $40.50.
  • A resident junior (ages 13–15) annual fishing and hunting (combination only) license fee of $11.

Tennessee fishing season is year-round.


Texas Parks and Wildlife Code - PARKS & WILD section 46.001. Prohibited Acts

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Texas.

  • A resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $30.
  • A resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $35.
  • A resident may pay an annual all-water fishing license fee of $40.
  • A resident senior must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $12.
  • A resident senior must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $17.
  • A resident may pay an annual all-water fishing license fee of $22.
  • A resident active duty member of the military may obtain a fishing license free of charge.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $58.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $63.
  • A non-Resident may pay an annual all water fishing license fee of $68.

Texas fishing season is year-round.


Utah Code Title 23. Wildlife Resources Code of Utah section 23-19-21. Fishing license

A license is required for residents and non-residents 12 years of age and older to legally fish in Utah.

  • A resident adult (ages 18–64) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $34 or
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $20.
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $20.
  • A resident senior (over the age of 65) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $25.
  • A resident junior (ages 14–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $16.
  • A resident youth (ages 12–13) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $5.
  • A resident disabled veteran must pay an annual fishing license fee of 12.
  • A non-resident adult must pay an annual fishing license fee of $85 or
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $46.
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $28.
  • A resident junior (ages 14–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $29.
  • A resident youth (ages 12–13) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $6.

Utah fishing season is year-round.


Vermont Statutes Title 10. Conservation and Development, section 4251. Taking wild animals and fish;  license

A license is required for residents and non-residents. 15 years of age and older to legally fish in Vermont.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $28 or
    • 5-year fishing license fee of $134
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $11.
  • A resident youth (ages 15–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $15.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $54 or
    • 5-year fishing license fee of $264
    • 7-day fishing license fee of $31
    • 3-day fishing license fee of $23
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $21.
  • A non-resident youth (ages 15–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee of 15.

Vermont fishing season is:

  • year-round for trout and landlocked salmon on Lake Champlain
  • from mid-April through October for trout and landlocked salmon
  • from mid-June through November for largemouth and smallmouth bass
  • year-round for pickerel, northern pike, yellow perch, and rainbow trout
  • from May through mid-March for walleye
  • year-round catch and release seasons for largemouth and smallmouth bass and trout.

Virginia Code Title 29.1. Game, Inland Fisheries, and Boating section 29.1-300. Unlawful to hunt, trap or fish without a license

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Virginia.

  • A resident must pay an annual freshwater combination fishing license fee of $23 or
    • 2-year freshwater and saltwater combination fishing license fee of $44
    • 3-year freshwater combination fishing license fee of $65
    • 4-year freshwater fishing license fee of $86.
  • A resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $17.50.
  • A resident may pay an annual state freshwater and saltwater combination license fee of $39.50.
  • A county/city resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $16.
  • A resident senior (65 years of age and older) must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $9.
  • A resident must pay an annual trout fishing license fee of $23.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $47 or
    • 5-day freshwater fishing license fee of $21
    • 1-day freshwater fishing license fee of $8.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $25 or
    • 10-day saltwater fishing license fee of $10.
  • A non-resident may pay an annual freshwater and saltwater combination fishing license fee of $71.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual trout fishing license fee of $47.

Virginia fishing season is year-round.


Washington Revised Code Title 77. Fish and Wildlife section 77.32.470. Personal use fishing licenses--Fees--Temporary fishing licenses--Family fishing weekend license--Rule-making authority--Combination licenses for hunting and fishing--Two fishing poles per fishing license holder

A license is required for residents and non-residents 15 years of age and older to legally fish in Washington.

  • A resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $29.50.
  • A resident senior (70 years of age and older) must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $7.50.
  • A resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $30.05.
  • A resident senior (70 years of age and older) must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $8.05.
  • A resident must pay an annual shellfish/seaweed fishing license fee of $17.40.
  • A resident senior (70 years of age and older) must pay an annual shellfish/seaweed fishing license fee of $7.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual freshwater fishing license fee of $84.50.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual saltwater fishing license fee of $59.75.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual shellfish/seaweed fishing license fee of $36.10.

Washington fishing season is year-round.

West Virginia

West Virginia Code Chapter 20. Natural Resources section 20-2-27. Necessity for license

A license is required for residents and non-residents 15 years of age and older to legally fish in West Virginia.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $19.
  • A resident must pay an annual trout fishing stamp fee of $10.
  • A resident may be required to purchase a conservation stamp in addition to their fishing license for a fee of $5.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $37 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $3.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual trout fishing stamp fee of $16.
  • A non-resident may be required to purchase a conservation stamp in addition to their fishing license for a fee of $13.

West Virginia fishing season is year-round.


A license is required for residents and non-residents 16 years of age and older to legally fish in Wisconsin.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $20 or
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $8.
  • A resident junior (ages 16–17) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $7.
  • A resident senior (65 years of age and older) must pay an annual fishing license fee of $7.
  • Residents may pay for an annual spousal fishing license for a fee of $31.
  • A resident must pay an annual inland trout stamp fee of $10.
  • A resident must pay an annual great lake salmon and trout stamp fee of $10.
  • A disabled resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $7.
  • A resident veteran, disabled veteran, or member of the armed forces may obtain a fishing license free of charge.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $50 or,
    • 15-day fishing license fee of $28
    • 4-day fishing license fee of $24
    • 1-day fishing license fee of $10.
  • Non-residents may pay for an annual family fishing license for a fee of $65 or
    • 15-day family fishing license fee of $28.
  • Non-resident members of the armed forces must pay an annual fishing license fee of $20.
  • Non-resident students must pay an annual fishing license fee of $20.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual inland trout stamp fee of $10.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual great lake salmon and trout stamp fee of $10.

Wisconsin fishing season is year-round except for:


  • Inland trout seasons from January through April and May through mid-October
  • General inland fishing May through early March
  • Smallmouth bass in the northern zone from mid-June through early March
  • Muskellunge in the northern zone from late May through December
  • Muskellunge in the southern zone from May through December
  • Northern pike from May through early March
  • Walleye from early September through late September.

Wyoming Statutes Title 23. Game and Fish section 23-2-201. Fees;  restrictions;  verification of residency required

A license is required for residents and non-residents to legally fish in Wyoming.

  • A resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $27
  • A resident without an annual license must pay a daily fishing license fee of $6.
  • A non-resident must pay an annual fishing license fee of $102 or
    • 5-day fishing license fee of $56.
  • A non-resident youth must pay an annual fishing license fee of $15.

Wyoming fishing season is year-round.

Note: State laws are always subject to change through the passage of new legislation, rulings in the higher courts (including federal decisions), ballot initiatives, and other means. While we strive to provide the most current information available, please consult an attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

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