Divorce and Property Division

Property or asset division is a critical part of the divorce proceedings. Property division involves separating marital assets and liabilities between spouses. From real estate to bank accounts and personal property, the division of assests requires careful thought, negotiation, and often, legal intervention.

When a marriage ends, couples must take on the task of separating their lives in the divorce process. Part of that process includes dividing property acquired by the couple during the marriage.

How Divorce Courts Classify Property

Classifying property in a divorce is a crucial step during property division. Generally, states classify property into two categories: marital and separate.

Marital property refers to assets and debts acquired by the married couple during the marriage. This includes property acquired by either spouse. This can include real property, investment properties, bank accounts, and personal belongings. Marital property is subject to property division according to state divorce laws.

Separate property includes assets owned by either spouse before the marriage. Certain gifts or inheritances granted to one spouse during the marriage may be separate property. It is important to note that if the property is in only one spouse's name, that does not automatically make it a separate property.

prenuptial or postnuptial agreement is a common way couples choose to protect their separate property before a divorce. These agreements outline each spouse's separate property to avoid questions of ownership in a divorce case.

Community Property vs. Equitable Distribution

There are two main ways to divide marital property: community property and equitable distribution.

Nine states have community property laws, including California and Texas. In these states, property obtained during the marriage is considered community property (and community debts).

Community property is also known as marital property. This means that each spouse has equal rights to the marital assets and liabilities. Community property states seek to split property as equally as possible, often 50/50 in divorce cases.

All other states (except Alaska) follow equitable distribution laws. Equitable distribution states focus on the equitable division of property. Equitable does not mean equal. These states focus on what is equitable or “fair" when dividing property between spouses. This may result in an unequal distribution of assets among spouses.

Debt and Marital Property in Divorce

Spouses must address not only assets but also debts during divorce proceedings. Sometimes, one partner may be responsible for certain marital debts. An example of this is gambling debts. In this case, the court can appropriately divide the debts to the wrongdoer.

Courts typically divide household credit card debts and other general expenses evenly. Some debts, like student loans to one spouse, seem like separate debts. Depending on the state laws, circumstances may make them divisible between divorcing spouses.

Taxes, Retirement Plans, Inheritances, and Personal Injury Awards

Some property isn’t as simple to divide as splitting a joint bank account in half. You can discuss special assets and obligations with a family law attorney.

It's important to understand how divorce impacts your taxes. This is especially true for the year you're getting divorced but also for future taxes. Financial changes, such as spousal support payments and your filing status, may affect your tax liability.

Retirement benefits are often a couple’s most significant asset during marriage. You might have to divide your retirement accounts, pension plans, or estate planning tools. You may need a special court order called a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO). Depending on the assets' valuation, you may want to consult a financial expert for advice.

Inheritances and personal injury awards are generally separate property. Separate property is exempt from the division of property between spouses. This means they are distinct from marital assets and owned solely by the spouse who received them.

Property Settlement Agreements

Every state allows divorcing spouses to enter marital settlement agreements. These agreements divide property and address issues like child custody, child support, and alimony.

Divorce settlement agreements can avoid drawn-out court proceedings. The judge will review it for equity, but it's typically granted as long as it's fair enough.

Both you and your ex-spouse would need to agree to a particular property division, such as who keeps the marital home. In that case, settling your marital property issues outside of court may be in your interest.

If you don’t own valuable or complex property, you may qualify for a summary divorce. This option also allows spouses to decide their division of assets. It typically takes even less time and interaction with the court. However, families with children might not qualify. Parents can negotiate a settlement agreement as part of a traditional divorce instead.

Ask a Divorce Lawyer About Your Options

If you're getting divorced, you may want legal advice from a divorce attorney about your circumstances. A lawyer can also help draft a legal separation agreement while you consider or resolve a divorce.

State laws vary, and you'll want to understand how the laws of your state apply to your divorce. Even if you plan to negotiate with your former spouse, getting representation for yourself can protect your interests when dividing property.

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Can I Solve This on My Own or Do I Need an Attorney?

  • You may not need an attorney for a simple divorce with uncontested issues
  • Legal advice is critical to protect your interests in a contested divorce
  • Divorce lawyers can help secure fair custody/visitation, support, and property division

An attorney is a skilled advocate during negotiations and court proceedings. Many attorneys offer free consultations.

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Don't Forget About Estate Planning

Divorce is an ideal time to review your beneficiary designations on life insurance, bank accounts, and retirement accounts. You need to change your estate planning forms to reflect any new choices about your personal representative and beneficiaries. You can change your power of attorney if you named your ex-spouse as your agent. Also, change your health care directive to remove them from making your health care decisions.

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