Want to take control of your legal career? The Law Career Management section of the FindLaw Career Center provides advice on how to maximize successful career choices and how to deal with a variety of employment challenges. Knowing how to approach issues such as changing jobs, handling job loss, work-life balance, and ongoing education will be critical to the success and longevity of your career. Take charge of your career path and arm yourself with the tools you will need to make strategic career decisions and deal with any challenges that come your way. FindLaw can guide you through these many important career crossroads, and help you find the answers to your career management questions.
Law Career Management
Law Career Management
Learn More About Law Career Management
Notifying Clients Of Your Departure From The Law Firm
I am leaving a law firm for another one, but would like to take clients I brought to the firm. Is there a "proper" way to notify the clients I would like to take? The ABA dealt with this issue in its Formal Opinion 99-414.
Making a Lateral Move: Are You Ready?
Accepting an entry level job at a law firm is a big career hurdle for a law student. It is a goal that took years of hard work and academic achievement to reach. But at some point, young associates should set new career goals.
Career Lessons From a Law Firm Dissolution
The legal community will continue to speculate about what caused the demise of Testa Hurwitz and Thibeault. While the dramatic turn of Testa's fortunes provides us with some good food for thought about what it takes to keep a partnership profitable and sustainable, I believe that more importantly, Testa provides some very valuable career lessons for all attorneys.
In Search of Work/Life Balance
Several months ago, I went on vacation to Hawaii with my family. After we had been there several days, my wife surprised me by signing me up for a snorkeling trip. It was a chance to be out on a boat in a beautiful ocean with beautiful scenery.
Law Career Management Articles
8 Strategies for Bouncing Back from Job Loss
Losing a job is never easy, but FindLaw has a few tips to help you process things and get back in the game.
Marketing As A Career Development Strategy
Marketing As A Career Development Strategy by Stephen Seckler Once upon a time, law school graduates could join a firm right out of school, work hard for several years, do great legal work and expect to become a partner at the same firm.
Salary Wars and Associate Hiring
As a recruiting firm, we talk to both partners and associates at firms in every major legal marketplace on a daily basis.
Managing Your Career in a Declining Market
There are signs that the legal market is slowing. Corporate legal work is down and lateral hiring has become more selective.
Making the Most of Your Law Firm Experience
Leona Vogt, a highly regarded legal career consultant in the Boston area, shared with us her thoughts on "making the most of your law firm experience".