For most people, work-life balance is an ever-moving target. Women and men both struggle with the concept. Can it be achieved? Where can you even begin to tackle such an elusive notion? Technology is further complicating matters. Everyone is connected at all times. Is that good or bad for balance? How do you harness the benefits of technology without becoming beholden to it? FindLaw's Work-Life Balance section addresses these issues and more. FindLaw's resources offer strategies for taking control of your life, finding ways to balance your law career and personal life, and dealing with the many issues that arise in trying to find some kind of "balance."
Work Life Balance
Law Career Management
Work Life Balance Articles
In Search of Work/Life Balance
Several months ago, I went on vacation to Hawaii with my family. After we had been there several days, my wife surprised me by signing me up for a snorkeling trip. It was a chance to be out on a boat in a beautiful ocean with beautiful scenery.
Taking Control Over Your Law Career and Your Life: An Overview
Here is a list of the articles in FindLaw's series on "Taking Control Over Your Law Career and Your Life." Reading the columns in order is recommended to maximize satisfaction.
The Search for Satisfaction in the Law
I'll start this guest column, if the WebFolks don't object, on a radical note: New lawyers should not be concerned with job satisfaction.
Find Satisfaction in the Law: A Lawyer and a Person
To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting - e.e. cummings I am a journey I alone know. - T.L.E
Taking Control over Your Career and Your Life
What of your own life in the law? How would you gauge your own professional satisfaction?
Your First Years as a Lawyer: An Owner's Manual
Why is satisfaction such an issue with lawyers? Do accountants or physicians or goat-herders also worry about their vocations, and their places in them? Well, probably yes. But law seems particularly susceptible to career introspection.
Balancing Your Law Career and Personal Life
A new lawyer must be careful to channel stresses and frustrations away from clients and seniors.
Finding Satisfaction in the Law: An Introduction
-----------The Bhagavad Gita Not so mysterious is the path of this column. Here are some of the assumptions and goals behind this Career Advice section.
Fifteen Rules For Winning As A Junior Associate
It is only after you have started on your first law firm job that you will realize how true it is that law school prepares you to be an excellent appellate judge and a crummy practicing lawyer. If you want to succeed as a junior associate, you would do well to follow these fifteen rules.
Balancing Work and Home Life: The Contract Attorney
You may face a point in your career when finding a balance between home and work life become a priority. What options might be available? Our expert's answer just may be the solution you have been looking for.