Tips for Avoiding Arrest When Dating a Drug Dealer

Love is hard to find and all the gurus tell you to keep an open mind -- don't decide who is right for you just based on what they do. So now you are dating a drug dealer and the dates are nice but you have some questions about what this means for your life. Will you go to jail for just hanging around with this person?
It is very hard to say what will happen to you when you date a drug dealer without more context. Is your true love selling heroin or weed? Are transactions happening around you or is it totally separate from your existence? How high-end (pun intended) is this dealer's business? No one can guess what the consequences for dating a drug dealer will be in your case specifically, but here are some things to keep in mind.
Reporting Crimes
You have probably seen crimes taking place and not reported them before -- underage drinking at a party, people taking bong hits. In reality, most people let plenty of illegal activity go on without calling the cops.
Theoretically, if you are not doing anything illegal -- not making, possessing, or distributing drugs -- then there is no reason you should get in trouble with the law. But of course hanging around in places where illegal activity takes place increases your risk of being in a bad situation.
Even if you have done nothing wrong, you can get picked up in a sweep if you're hanging around shady places. But you can't be charged criminally merely for having what society considers unsavory friends.
Insider Tips
A woman writing anonymously in Vice UK explains that a particular risk of hanging around with drug dealers, based on her personal experience, is that you don't know when you might find something illegal in your pockets or bag. That can certainly get you in big trouble.
If you get picked up with drugs, you can and will be charged criminally. If you blame it on your lover, don't expect that tactic to go over very well. Maybe you will get out of the charge, but you'd have to get your mate to take responsibility for the drugs, which is not likely to happen, or welcome the end of your relationship. It is going to be hard to explain that you love them, just not enough to take the rap.
Talk to a Lawyer
If you are dating a drug dealer and have concerns about something you have seen or done, talk to a criminal defense attorney. Get some guidance on handling the situation the right way. Many criminal defense attorneys consult for free or a minimal fee and will be happy to help.
Related Resources:
- Find Criminal Defense Lawyers Near You (FindLaw's Lawyer Directory)
- Medical Marijuana: An Overview (FindLaw's Learn About the Law)
- Drug Possession: Penalties and Sentencing (FindLaw's Learn About the Law)
- Drug Possession Defenses (FindLaw's Learn About the Law)