How to Find Hidden Bank Accounts in Divorce

Marriages often fall apart when foundational things like trust disappear. So, it's no surprise that couples going through a divorce often wonder if their soon-to-be ex is telling the whole truth. In some cases, this mistrust may be well-founded as spouses hide significant others or undisclosed assets on the side. So, how do you find hidden bank accounts if you're going through a divorce? The following are some tips to get your spouse to show you the money.
Full Disclosure and Comparing Documents
When you're going through a divorce, both sides are supposed to make a full disclosure of all assets so that the division of property and assets upon divorce is as fair as possible. This includes real estate, bank accounts, businesses, cars, etc.
One way to zero in on hidden bank accounts is to carefully examine bank statements for accounts your spouse does provide. Note whether there are any transfers made to other accounts, and write down the information for accounts on the receiving end of those transfers. If there are any monthly statements missing, request that those be provided. Don't forget to check those Bitcoin accounts as well.
Requesting Involuntary Disclosures
If, after examining the documents voluntarily disclosed by your spouse in the divorce proceeding, you still think there could be a hidden bank account, you can make formal requests for financial information. These interrogatories have to be answered truthfully and can be used to demand bank account information, tax filings, estate and trust documents, and the like. A tax document, for example, may be useful in identifying a hidden bank account if your spouse had the tax refund deposited into that account.
Similarly, you or your attorney can utilize a deposition to get the answers you're looking for. A person being deposed is giving sworn testimony under oath, so he or she may be more hesitant to lie about that hidden bank account in a formal deposition.
If you're going through a divorce, consult with a divorce attorney. Hidden bank accounts are a common problem, and he or she will have experience dealing with uncooperative spouses who choose to be less than forthcoming.
Related Resources:
- Find Divorce Lawyers Near You (FindLaw's Lawyer Directory)
- The FindLaw Guide to Divorce and Property Division (FindLaw)
- 3 Ways to Protect Business Assets in Divorce (FindLaw's Free Enterprise)
- 2 Spouses, 1 Lawyer Raises a Couple Concerns (FindLaw's Law and Daily Life)