The 10 Strangest Naked Crimes of 2011

There's nothing new about nakedness. It's been around since the dawn of time. But 2011 was a very special year for our natural state -- it saw the rise of the naked criminal.
Yes, 2011 saw dozens of criminals stripping down and illegally strutting their stuff. There were women who nakedly hung from cliffs, and others who shook it for the court. There was even a naked runner and an attorney looking for a naked sword fight.
But in the strangest stories of all, thieves, old men and the intoxicated were the naked suspects. With that, here are the top naked stories of the past year:
1. Naked Boat Thief Tells Police, 'Taser Me, Bro'
2. NH Grandma Attacks Sandwich-Making Naked Burglar
3. Naked Man Caught Stealing Flat Screen TV in Conn.
4. Naked Fisherman Arrested in Wash. 'Wasn't a Pretty Sight'
5. 'Forgot I Was Naked,' Says Miss. Man, 70, Who Flashed Girls
6. Naked Woman with Loaded Gun Storms CA Motel Lobby
7. Topless Woman Leads Ohio Cops on 128-mph Chase
8. NASCAR Streaker Left Wild Raccoon in Car with His Girlfriend
9. Naked Florida Woman Pulled Her Own Teeth, Threw Rocks, Police Say
10. Naked Joyrides Not Illegal in Nebraska But Naked DUI Is
Now that you're sufficiently scarred, it's time to move on to more important things. This year was all about the naked criminal, which means it will soon be a thing of the past. But as year-end traditions require, we must predict what next year's criminal trend will be. If you've got an idea (or a lingering hope), share your guess on the FindLaw Facebook Page wall. And to keep abreast of all things legal (naked or otherwise, we encourage you to sign up to receive the best of the FindLaw Blogs direct to your inbox via the Legal Grounds Newsletter.