U.S. Seventh Circuit
Court: 'Selective' Abortions Are Unconstitutional
For the second time in a week, a federal appeals court has struck down an abortion law as unconstitutional. In the latest ruling, the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals said an Indiana law unlawfully banned "selective" abortions. The law specifically targeted fetuses based on gender, race, or disability. In a separate case, an appeals panel voided an Ohio law that cut off funds to abortion clinics.
Court: Village Can't Confer 'Right-To-Work' Law
A local municipality can't confer a right to work on employees who opt not to join unions, a federal appeals court said. In International Union of Operating Engineers Local 399 v. Village of Lincolnshire, the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals said a municipality's "right-to-work" agreement violated the National Labor Relations Act. The only problem is that not everybody agrees -- including the Sixth Circuit. Sooner or later, the issue could go to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Madigan v. Levin: Dismissed As Improvidently Granted
We called it. What probably will be one of many upsets this Supreme Court term has happened: the writ of certiorari for Madigan v. Levin was dismissed as improvidently granted. Ouch.Madigan v. Levin -- Background Harvey Levin was an Illinois Assistant Attorney General who, after he was fired and replaced by a younger, female attorney, sued Illinois, the Illinois Office of the Attorney General, and several lawyers in their individual capacity.
Forced Admitting Privileges on Clinics are Unconstitutional: 7th Cir.
In what could end up being one of the most significant reproductive rights cases in recent history -- that is, if it gets to SCOTUS -- the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled that forced admitting privileges on abortion clinics by nearby hospitals was an unconstitutional undue burden on a women's rights.
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