3 Reasons Why You Should Hire Millennials for Your Firm

Millennials get a really bad rap -- especially from the Baby Boomer set, which ironically raised the Millennial generation, notes Entrepreneur. Many have said that the very same complaints about Millennials -- laziness, a sense of entitlement -- have been the same complaints about every generation just as they are coming of age.
If these negative stereotypes about Millennials have made you slow to hire any from that cohort, here are some reasons why you should reconsider.
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1. Don't Believe the Hype
A stereotype is a stereotype -- it's a generalization that clearly does not apply to everyone in the group. Are there Millennials that are lazy and self-entitled? You bet. You'll also find your fair share of lazy and self-entitled Baby Boomers and Gen Xers. What's your point? You wouldn't make generalizations based on gender, ethnicity, or race -- why should you do so based on age?
2. They're Hungry
We've all heard the depressing news about the job market, and all the college grads waiting tables because they can't find work in the industries they had earned degrees to work in. Not to mention what has happened to this generation of law grads. So, this group is hungry for success -- especially so because it seems like finding a good job is less likely than a unicorn sighting. If you hire the right Millennial, you can be sure that you'll find someone devoted to your firm and determined to be a success.
3. You Can Mold Them
One of the great things about hiring someone with less experience is that you can train them and mold them into the employees you want them to be. Rather than having to re-train, or break bad habits picked up at other law firms, you could lay down the groundwork and train your Millennial new hire to work in a way that blends well with your existing firm culture.
While you shouldn't make any hiring decision strictly based on age, if you are looking to bring on new staff, don't rule out Millennials just because of all the negative press. For one thing, much of the bad rap is just not true, and just the typical musings of the grouchy older generation toward youth. Bringing in some Millennial staff to your law firm can give it the breath of fresh air that it may need.
Editor's Note, July 14, 2015: This post was first published in June 2014. It has since been updated.
Related Resources:
- Hipster Juries and June Juries (Or, Why Young Jurors Suck) (FindLaw's Strategist Blog)
- Should Your Firm Consider Law School Rankings When Hiring? (FindLaw's Strategist Blog)
- Hire a Mom (or Two): 5 Reasons Why Moms Make Great Attorneys (FindLaw's Strategist Blog)
- Millennials Don't Know How to Google. Do You? (FindLaw's Strategist)