NFL Won't Punish Marshall for Disorderly Conduct Arrest

Brandon Marshall and Denver Broncos fans have reason to celebrate, and they just might have Marshall's fiance, Michi Leshase Nogami-Campbell, to thank for it. According to the AP, the NFL has indicated that no discipline will be laid down on Marshall despite his March disorderly conduct arrest for a fight he had with Nogami-Campbell.
The case didn't get very far after Marshall and Nogami-Campbell "refused to testify against each other" and police quickly dropped the charges. Still, the NFL could have levied punishment of its own accord, but Commissioner Roger Goodell apparently decided to give Marshall the benefit of the doubt.
The fact that charges were dropped in the first place is interesting in light the AP's following description of the incident:
"On March 1, police were summoned to Marshall's residence in Atlanta when Marshall and his fiance got into a heated argument. With police looking on, the fight escalated and Marshall and his fiance began kicking and punching each other on the sidewalk outside his home, according to a police report."
Certainly witnesses don't seem to have been in short supply. At any rate, following the NFL's announcement clearing Marshall to play for the entire year, Marshall's lawyer, Harvey Steinberg, summarized the league's letter to the AP as saying, "'We've done a full and complete investigation of the situation, and because it's not clear what took place we don't feel there's a basis for discipline,' Steinberg said. 'He (Goodell) expected Brandon to toe the line and Brandon will toe the line.'" In light of Marshall's past history, the commissioner likely won't be giving much leeway for future incidents, as the league has come down pretty hard on other repeat personal conduct policy offenders like "Pacman" Jones.