JuryTracker App Helps Lawyers Keep an Eye on Jurors

When it comes to jury selection, most attorneys rely on the tried-and-true method of sticky notes on a board and a pile of papers. JuryTracker for the iPad seeks to simplify the voir dire process for lawyers by bringing it to the 21st century.
The app is just one of the growing number of jury selection apps on the market geared toward attorneys. JuryTracker has the distinction of being developed by John Cleaves, lawyer and supervisor of trial technology consulting at Latham & Watkins.
But does the app creator's experience shine through?
Thankfully, it seems it does. One very important difference between JuryTracker and other similar apps is its user interface. While it might seem ridiculous to praise a developer for making its software easy to use, many legal apps on the market don't do this. In fact, a lot of them sport UIs that border closer to case law research than a mobile application.
JuryTracker's clean and simple interface allows attorneys to quickly categorize jurors by name, sex, race, etc. Observations can quickly and easily be recorded by tapping on a respective juror's icon and jotting down a thought.
Additionally, JuryTracker also sets itself apart through its use of emoticons. A juror's mood and reactions can be reflected by a number of familiar Internet facial expressions. The icons could easily pull double-duty in a chat room. A juror's personality, status, and a host of other details can also be tweaked, too.
Finally, the app can also generate and email PDF reports of your observations. A nifty tool for when you need some outside help in your voir dire.
JuryTracker is a great iOS app for lawyers looking for ways to streamline jury selection. The app retails for $4.99, which is about the only downside to it.
Related Resources:
- JuryTracker Developer's Website (JuryTracker)
- Is Dragon Dictation App a Viable Substitute for Siri? (FindLaw's Technologist)
- The Fastcase iPhone App Delivers the Goods for Legal Research (FindLaw's Technologist)