How To Get a DBA in Louisiana in Three Steps

If you are a business owner in Louisiana, especially a sole proprietor, you may wonder if you should register for a DBA or “doing business as” business name. This article will explain the rules for Louisiana DBAs and answer your questions about DBAs.

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What Is A DBA?

DBA stands for “doing business as,” and it is a name registered with the State of Louisiana that is a different name than your business name. A DBA is also known as a trade name, assumed name, or fictitious business name. For example, if you are an entrepreneur named Joe Smith and have a construction business as a sole proprietorship, you operate the business in your own name as Joe Smith. However, if you register for a trade name or DBA, you can call your business “Joe Smith Construction” or “Smith Construction” or anything else you want to identify your business.

Why Do You Need a DBA?

There are many reasons why you may want another company name for your Louisiana business. Take the above example of Joe Smith. He may not want to use his personal name so he can register for a Louisiana trade name of “Joe’s Construction Services.” As his business grows, he may specialize in a type of construction. Instead of forming a new business, he can submit a DBA filing for another name, such as “JS Kitchen Design & Construction Services.”

Another example is if someone forms a non-profit organization with the legal name “Baton Rouge Cat Sanctuary, Inc.” but expands into other areas, they could file for a trade name such as “Baton Rouge Animal Sanctuary” or “Louisiana Animal Sanctuary.”

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3 Steps to Register a Trade Name in Louisiana


Choose a Unique Trade Name

Your business name should be available and not in use by any other entity. Search for the DBA name availability on the Louisiana Secretary of State’s GeauxBiz website. You can reserve the name by filing an Application for Reservation of Trade Name Trademark or Service and paying a $25 filing fee. You cannot add a business entity suffix such as “Inc.”, “Corp” or LLC. You can only add those incorporation endings to a legal business name if you form a business entity such as a corporation or LLC.


Complete the Application to Register a Trade Name

You register DBAs or trade names on the state level. To do this, fill out the Application to Register Trade Name, Trademark, or Service Mark for each DBA you wish to register with your business information. You must have a notary attest to your signature.


File the Application

You can apply online, by mail, or in person to the Louisiana Secretary of State’s office.

  • The online portal is found at Louisiana GeauxBiz.

  • The mailing address is P.O. Box 94125, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9125.

  • The physical address is 8585 Archives Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70809.

The filing fee for each trade name registration is $75, but check the fees with the Louisiana Secretary of State for current information.

After Filing a Trade Name

Once the Louisiana Secretary of State accepts your trade name filing, you can add the name to any business licenses, business bank accounts, or insurance policies.

You must renew the trade name every ten years with Louisiana’s GeauxBiz and pay a renewal fee.

FAQs About Louisiana DBAs

Frequently Asked Questions

Need Help Filing Your Louisiana DBA?

You can get advice from a local business attorney about your business structure to help you file a trade name registration.

Or you can let our trusted partner LegalZoom handle your Louisiana DBA name search, application, and filing for $99 plus filing fees.

Disclaimer: The information presented here does not constitute legal advice or representation. It is general and educational in nature, may not reflect all recent legal developments, and may not apply to your unique facts and circumstances. Consider consulting with a qualified business attorney if you have legal questions.

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