How To Get a DBA in Oklahoma in Three Steps

Oklahoma entrepreneurs with a sole proprietorship or business entities who want to operate their small businesses under another name must file a DBA in the state. This article explains the state requirements and answers frequently asked questions about DBA registrations in Oklahoma.

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What Is a DBA in Oklahoma?

A DBA, which stands for “doing business as,” is a way for your business to operate under a name other than its legal name. A DBA is also known as a trade name, assumed name, or fictitious business name.

Do You Need an Oklahoma DBA?

You may want a DBA name to help your brand and specify what your business does. If, for example, you had a consulting business as a sole proprietor, you may want to call your business something other than your personal name. You could file for a DBA as “Oklahoma Business Consulting Services.”

Additionally, if you want to branch into new business services, you could register an Oklahoma trade name to reflect the change. So, in the above example, if you wanted to design websites as another income stream, you may file for a DBA such as “Oklahoma Website Design Solutions.” That way, people would know that you do more than just consulting.

Business owners must file for a DBA if they want to operate their businesses under a name other than their original legal business name.

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Three Steps To Get a DBA in Oklahoma


Choose Your Name

You want to select a name that is original and available for use. You should conduct a name search with the state, the internet, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). You don’t want to use a name that is already used or under trademark protection.

  • Where to search in Oklahoma. Check the name availability using the Oklahoma Secretary of State’s business entity name search.

  • Where to search on the internet. Enter the name in a search engine to see what appears. You can also check the name on the ICANN domain registration website. If the name is in use or has a registered domain, do not use the name.

  • Where to search with the USPTO. Look up the name in the USPTO’s trademark database to see if the name is registered.

Once you find an available name, you may want to register the domain name or register the name with the USPTO so you can reserve your name. If you incorporate or form a limited liability company in Oklahoma, the business entity filing serves as your name registration in Oklahoma.


Complete Trade Name Report

Once you’ve found an available name, you’ll need to fill out Oklahoma’s Trade Name Report form. You will need to complete the following:

  • The desired trade name of the business

  • The business address

  • A brief description of the business

  • The legal name of the business entity

  • The type of business entity (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, etc.)

  • The state or jurisdiction where the business entity was formed

Then, you will sign and date the form.


File the Trade Name Report

You can file the Trade Name Report online with the Oklahoma Secretary of State’s office.

You can also submit it by mail or in-person to the Oklahoma Secretary of State’s office. The office is located at the following address:

Oklahoma Secretary of State

421 N.W. 13th Street. Suite 210

Oklahoma City, OK 73103

After Filing for a DBA

Once you have your DBA, add it to your business bank account, business licenses, and insurance policies.

If you want to cancel your DBA filing, you must file a Withdrawal of Trade Name Report Form, and if you need to change information, you must file an Amended Trade Name Report.

FAQs About Oklahoma DBAs

Frequently Asked Questions

Need Help Filing Your DBA?

If you have questions about business formation, your legal entity, or whether a DBA is right for your business, you can reach out to a local business attorney.

Or, for $99 plus filing fees, you can let our trusted partner, LegalZoom handle your new name search and DBA application filing.

Disclaimer: The information presented here does not constitute legal advice or representation. It is general and educational in nature, may not reflect all recent legal developments, and may not apply to your unique facts and circumstances. Consider consulting with a qualified business attorney if you have legal questions.

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