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Nevada Domestic Violence Laws

Domestic violence is a serious crime that can land the perpetrator in jail. While each state defines domestic violence slightly differently, the crime generally encompasses acts of abuse that occur between household or family members. This article provides a brief overview of Nevada's domestic violence laws.

Code Section

Nevada Code section 33.018: Domestic Violence

Household or Family Members


In Nevada, domestic violence can only occur between the following people:
  • Spouses or former spouses
  • People related by blood or marriage
  • People who live together or previously lived together
  • People who have or previously had a "dating relationship"
  • People who have a child in common, or
  • A person (or any other person who has been appointed custodian or legal guardian of a child) and their minor child

Acts that Can Constitute Domestic Violence

  • A battery
  • An assault
  • Compelling another person by force (or threat of force) to perform an act that the other person has the right to refrain from doing
  • A sexual assault
  • A knowing, purposeful, or reckless course of conduct intended to harass the other person (including stalking, arson, trespassing, larceny, destruction of private property, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, or injuring or killing an animal)
  • False imprisonment
  • Unlawfully or forcibly entering another person's residence if there is a reasonably foreseeable risk of harm to the other person from the entry

Penalties for Domestic Violence

In Nevada, offenders who commit acts of domestic violence are generally subject to the follow penalties:

  • First Offense Within Seven Years: Misdemeanor offense that is punishable by imprisonment for two days to six months, 48 to 120 hours of community service, and a fine of between $200 and $1,000.
  • Second Offense Within Seven Years: Misdemeanor offense that is punishable by imprisonment for 10 days to six months, 100 to 200 hours of community service, and a fine of between $500 and $1,000.
  • Third (or Subsequent) Offense Within Seven Years: Class C felony that is punishable by imprisonment for one to five years, and a fine of up to $10,000.

Additionally, those who are convicted under Nevada's domestic violence statutes are also required to participate in counseling sessions.

Additional Resources

If you are a domestic violence survivor there is help available for you. During an emergency dial 911 and when you're safe contact the Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence.

State laws change frequently. For case specific information regarding Nevada's domestic violence laws contact a local criminal defense lawyer.

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