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Tennessee Legal Holidays Laws

Certain calendar days commemorating a historical event, seasonal (often religious) holiday, or recognizing an important figure in history are set aside by the federal government as legal holidays. States also recognize legal holidays, sometimes adding days that recognize the state's local history or culture. Tennessee's legal holidays are the same ones recognized by the federal government, with one exception: the period between noon and midnight on Saturday is a "half-holiday." This simply means state employees working on Saturday clock out at noon.

Below is the code section for Tennessee legal holiday law and a list of recognized holidays:

Code Section 15-1-101
Holidays New Year's Day; Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday; Washington's Birthday; Good Friday; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Columbus Day; Veterans Day; Thanksgiving; Christmas; any day set apart for county, state, or national elections throughout the state

Note: State laws are constantly changing. FindLaw makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of our state law page, but you may also want to contact a Tennessee employment attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

What Does This Mean for Tennessee Workers?

On legal holidays, most non-vital Tennessee (and federal) institutions are closed and employees get a paid holiday. In addition, some government contractors also are entitled to paid holidays or premium holiday pay. Private employers have the choice to offer paid holidays or premium pay (often 1.5 times the regular rate) for hours worked on holidays, but it is not a requirement unless your employment contract entitles you to them as benefits. Legal holidays that fall on Saturday or Sunday are often observed on the following Monday.

Are You Owed Holiday Pay?

If your employer owes you premium pay for work performed on a holiday, or has otherwise failed to meet its legal obligations, you may be able to claim damages. Wage and hour violations may include the failure to provide the required amount of meal or rest periods, for example, or being incorrectly classified as an independent contractor. Consider speaking with an employment law attorney if you think your rights have been violated.

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