North Dakota Traffic Laws

Knowing the general rules of the road while driving in North Dakota is key to staying safe. It can also help you avoid a ticket from a law enforcement officer.

You can learn more about North Dakota traffic offenses and motor vehicle laws.

Use the following driving manuals and vehicle codes:

The comprehensive manuals and vehicle codes in the bullets above cover many topics. The links at the end of this article also go in-depth about state-specific traffic laws.

This article and the linked materials will help you learn about:

  • Who has the right-of-way
  • The legal method of turning
  • Speed limits and traffic regulations for varying roads and highways
  • Crossing paths with an authorized emergency vehicle
  • Rules for funeral processions
  • Passing zones and passing vehicles
  • Meeting, overtaking, or passing school bus rules
  • Safety regulations for seat belts, booster seats, and child restraints
  • Traffic-control signals and devices like stop signs, yield signs, and stop lights
  • Stoplight signal legend
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances (DUI)
  • Required vehicle equipment such as headlamps, brake lights, turn signals, and vehicle doors
  • Pedestrian control signals, blind pedestrian right of way, and other official traffic-control devices
  • Parking near fire departments and crossing firehoses
  • Driver control over driving mechanisms
  • Restrictions on driving left of center of roadway

Speeding in North Dakota

The easiest way to avoid a speeding ticket from highway patrol is to obey the posted speed limit. In North Dakota, different roadways have varying speed limits:

  • 75 mph on interstate highways
  • 70 mph on paved, four-lane divided, multilane highways
  • 65 mph on two-lane state highways
  • 55 mph on gravel, loose dirt, or loose surface highways
  • 55 mph on paved two-lane county roads and township highways unless there is a different posted speed limit

These limits are for ideal driving conditions only. They may not apply to construction areas, designated school zones, special events, or roadway advisories like curves, bumps, or wildlife crossings.

Coasting or driving with your vehicle gears or transmission in neutral is prohibited.

Parking in North Dakota

You may encounter additional parking regulations in North Dakota. A unique state law prohibits double parking alongside parallel parked vehicles, obstructing the street. Unlike many other states, North Dakota strictly prohibits double parking in all instances.

Other prohibited practices to avoid include:

  • Parking on a crosswalk or within 10 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection
  • Parking within 15 feet of a railroad-grade crossing
  • Parking within 15 feet of the approach to any flashing signal, stop sign, or traffic-control signal located at the side of a roadway

Weather-Related Traffic Laws

North Dakota is known for its extreme winter weather. Some snow-specific laws to be aware of include:

If you must travel during a winter storm or other inclement weather, check the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) website for updates on road conditions.

Common Rules and Their Statutes for North Dakota Drivers

Drinking & Driving Violations

Persons under the influence of intoxicating liquor (ND Code Chapter 39-08-01)

Driving Without a License / With a Suspended License

Operators must be licensed [PDF] (ND Code Chapter 39-06 scroll to 39-06-01)

Driving Without Insurance / With Insufficient Insurance

Proof of Financial Responsibility for the Future [PDF] (ND Code Chapter 39-16.1, scroll to 39-16.1-08) Driving without liability insurance prohibited (ND Code Chapter 39-08-20)

Driving Without Registration / With Expired Registration

Violations of registration provisions (ND Code Chapter 39-04-37)

Illegal U-Turn

Limitations on turning around (ND Code Chapter 39-10-36)

Leaving the Scene of an Accident / Hit & Run

Accidents involving death or personal injuries (ND Code Chapter 39-08-04) Accidents involving damage to vehicle (ND Code Chapter 39-08-05)

Mechanical Violations

Equipment of Vehicles [PDF] (ND Code Chapter 39-21) Size, Width, and Height Restrictions [PDF] (ND Code Chapter 39-12)

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving (ND Code Chapter 39-08-03)

Running a Red Light / Stop Sign

Obedience to and required traffic-control devices (ND Code Chapter 39-10-04)

Seat Belt / Child Restraint Violations

Safety belts (ND Code Chapter 39-21-41.1) Child restraint devices(ND Code Chapter 39-21-41.2)


Speed restrictions(ND Code Chapter 39-09)

Unlawful Vehicle Modifications

Equipment of Vehicles [PDF] (ND Code Chapter 39-21) Size, Width, and Height Restrictions [PDF] (ND Code Chapter 39-12)

Traffic Violation? Get Help Now

If you have been ticketed for a traffic violation such as reckless driving in the state of North Dakota, you should contact a traffic ticket attorney in your area.

An experienced attorney can review your citation to ensure the police officer followed the North Dakota traffic laws. This may save you a costly fine and keep points off your driver's license.

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  • Complex traffic tickets usually require a lawyer
  • Experienced lawyers can seek to reduce or eliminate penalties
  • A lawyer can help you keep your license

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