DUI Stop

A DUI arrest is always preceded by a traffic stop, whether the police officer suspects drunk driving or has stopped a motorist for an unrelated reason, such as a burned-out taillight. While the Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unlawful search and seizure, refusing to cooperate with an officer typically is not in the best interests of a stopped motorist. Nevertheless, there are still ways to protect your rights when a police officer stops you for a DUI. FindLaw's "DUI Stop" subsection covers DUI defenses during and after a traffic stop, your rights under the Fourth Amendment, the legality of sobriety checkpoints and more.
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Can I Solve This on My Own or Do I Need an Attorney?

  • Complex DUI situations usually require a lawyer
  • DUI defense attorneys can challenge Breathalyzer/Intoxilyzer or blood test results
  • A lawyer can seek to reduce or eliminate DUI penalties
  • A lawyer can help get your license back

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