Wait, people are still using the phone?
Can I let you in on a secret? I don’t even own a land-line at my home anymore. And I sort of hate using my cell-phone to make actual phone calls – unless I really need to connect with somebody.
That’s why one data point on our new infographic jumped out at me. According to our own survey of legal consumers and data from Google,
72% of people who contacted an attorney used a phone.
Being a no-landline kind of gal, this gave me pause at first. But then I thought about it some more.
People who need a lawyer’s help are experiencing a highly personal, often urgent issue.
They want to talk to someone who cares about their problem
quickly. It’s much harder to get an immediate, compassionate response to an email than it is to a phone call. So in that light, it makes sense that a majority of legal consumers are using the phone to get in touch with law firms. (By the way, that makes it even more important to make sure someone will
answer your phone when potential clients call!)
Here’s that infographic I mentioned.
Take a look and see which statistics stand out to you. Do any of the data points surprise you?
If you discover a gap in your marketing or strategy,
talk to us about your next move.