Best Legal Directory Advertising Network
Right where
you want to be
Advertising on the FindLaw legal directories places your firm directly in the path of highly motivated legal consumers
The power of the FindLaw network of legal directories
130M+ visits
Combining our four legal-specific websites, there are more than 130 million annual visits.
6M+ engagements
Legal consumers engage with law firm profiles and ads more than six million times annually.
3x as likely to contact
Visitors referred from our legal directories are more than 3x as likely to contact a firm than visitors referred by Google.
*Based on an analysis of overall traffic to the FindLaw Legal Directories, 2020. Individual results may vary.
Expand your firm’s visibility with the FindLaw network of legal directories
A foundational directory to research any legal topic at depth, with access to widest array of lawyers
#1 legal consumer website allows you to partner with a trusted expert
Simple, less research-intensive experience and Lead Counsel Verified attorneys to help with everyday legal matters
Additional sub-categories across many key practice areas help expand law firm’s reach to legal consumers
Actively leverages exclusive accolade and brand to connect potential clients with lawyers rated as the Top 5%
Premium profiles generate 7x more traffic than basic profiles
Spanish-language directory serving the unique needs of domestic Hispanic legal consumers
#1 Spanish-language online legal directory puts your firm in front of this growing audience
The benefits of advertising on legal directories
Target your audience
Unlike general directories like online phone books, our legal directories target consumers who are actively looking for an attorney.
Boost your profile
Online legal directories give you the opportunity to raise your firm’s visibility within your region or practice area.
Take the fast lane
Legal consumers move fast, with 58% acting within a week and most only contacting one firm. Directory advertising places you in the path of these consumers.
Build your brand
Whether you’re a new name or part of the old guard, a directory presence reinforces your brand’s status among your neighbors and peers.
Hear how a presence on multiple legal directories helped this firm increase exposure and gain new clients:
Premium Profile
Our Premium Profile gives your firm prominent placement in the lawyer directory and excellent visibility in major search engines. Starting at $158 per month.
Directory FAQ
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What is the benefit of being on more than one directory?
Legal Directory Advertising That Works
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