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How Law Firms Find Clients in the New Normal

How law firms find clients in the new normal
Something to consider in the current legal climate: it’s both harder and easier to reach prospects than ever. The reason is the growth and advances made in digital marketing. The internet has opened your firm up to far more legal consumers than a billboard or paper ad ever would, but all of your competitors are in the same arena vying for the same prospects. This is the new normal. In order to maintain the amount of new clients your firm needs you have to stand out in a crowded marketplace. According to the 2016 Thomson Reuters State of the U.S. Small Law Firm survey, 45 percent of firms considered improving marketing and business development a key goal. In other words, if this is a concern, you’re not alone. It isn’t easy to stay up to date on the constantly changing world of legal marketing, but there are certain practices that are commonplace and necessary. As it has for a few years now, it starts with a sharp, detailed website, though, unlike in the past, that site should now be mobile optimized. While this should be the start of your digital marketing, it certainly should not be the end. Integrated marketing is needed in the modern world to reach consumers who are now using multiple platforms to search for an attorney. They use social media to learn more about firms, reviews to better gauge the client experience and blogs to read about your expertise. It may all sound confusing or time consuming, but luckily there are options to streamline the process so that you’re not spending your time running a marketing firm. The question to ask yourself is whether or not your firm is ready for the new normal. Do you have a grasp on how technology has innovated not only business development, but the practice and management of the law? The answer to these questions will determine if your firm is able to stay competitive in the modern legal environment. To find out how well your law practice conforms to the new normal take the quiz and learn more about how to grow, practice and manage your law firm in today’s world.

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