There’s more to Google than search. As crucial as search results are to your firm’s business, Google has plenty of other tools that you should learn about. So let’s take a look at four of the most notable—and useful—when it comes to marketing your law firm.
The first three offer ways to establish and expand your online presence. The final tool is useful for gaining insight into your business and the larger legal marketplace. So why not give them a look—and see which ones might benefit you and your practice? After all, they’re all free:
- Google+
Google’s social media tool doesn’t have nearly the user base of Facebook or Twitter. But its integration with other Google tools makes it an essential component of any firm’s online presence. For instance, it’s a gateway to using one of Google’s newest “products,” Google My Business.
- Google My Business
This new tool integrates Google+ and Google Places accounts into one central location for hosting your firm’s local information and social media. If you’re already set up with Google+ or Places, check your listing in Google My Business.
If you’re a new user, you can build a My Business profile. Google My Business is designed to connect you directly and easily with potential clients, whether they're looking on Google Search, Google Maps or Google+, no matter what device they're using. And with more and more people using local search for finding attorneys, Google My Business can make being found much easier.
- YouTube
Online video has become a hot marketing medium. Ratings agency Nielsen has determined YouTube reaches more U.S. adults ages 18-34 than any cable network. That age group might not be your audience, but those viewers are growing older. In any case, Nielsen’s discovery shows how big online video has become.
Get started with short informational videos that educate the public and demonstrate your expertise. Aim for three minutes or thereabouts to keep the audience engaged. A video checklist for what to do if you’re in a car accident, for instance, is easy to film and perfect for sharing on social media. You don’t have to spend a lot of money making it look professional, but it shouldn’t look amateurish either. Have colleagues look it over before you post it and never underestimate the value of a tripod.
While you probably shouldn’t expect a viral hit, dipping your toes in might reveal that video is an effective tool for marketing your law firm.
- Google Trends
This handy little site tracks search trends, which makes it helpful for when your firm wants quick (and basic) market research. You can start with a simple look at overall search terms or drill down to see what searchers in your particular region are looking for. The results could provide inspiration for future blog or social posts.
You don’t have to use all of these tools, of course. You might find that Google Trends gives you more information than you need, or that you’re not quite comfortable being in a video. But the point is that these apps provide additional possibilities for your online marketing mix. Try them out, and see what helps your firm attract new clients. What you learn might drive a whole new marketing initiative.