No one else can match FindLaw's understanding of how people shop for legal services and why they choose the attorneys they do.
My name is Kirby Babineaux, and I work with solo attorneys and small law firms in and around the Houston metro. I have worked with lawyers for almost a decade now, and I find I appreciate the passion they bring to their practices. My law firm clients, in turn, appreciate that I am straightforward, trustworthy, and genuinely motivated to help them succeed. I am proud to work for FindLaw because I know that no other digital legal marketing partner can come even close to the levels of investment, research, and support we provide. Our products are developed by professionals for lawyers and for lawyers only. Working with law firms is all we do, and we have the awards, results, and satisfied clients to show for it. The Houston metro is an intensely competitive market. If you have had a hard time attracting the clients you need to stand above your peer firms, I hope you will reach out to me. I would be delighted to learn about your business, come to a better understanding of your goals, and work with you to develop a marketing plan that will elevate you to a new plane of success.
"FindLaw provides comprehensive business development solutions, empowering small law firms to successfully build their brands & connect with legal consumers to grow their practice."
Central Houston Law Firm Marketing Consultant
Attract Potential Clients
Consumer begins searching for options to resolve a legal issue.
Engage Prospects
Consumer engages with online resources to evaluate firm.
Connect to Clients
Consumer commits to a firm based on research and engagement.
The Legal Standard Of Excellence.
FindLaw is the proud recipient of six 2020 WebAwards, the standards-defining competition that sets industry benchmarks for the best websites.
FindLaw is proud to have won two Platinum Hermes Creative Awards and six Gold Hermes Creative Awards in 2020. Hermes Creative Award is one of the oldest creative competitions in the world.
Houston has one of the largest metro areas in the country. This is a growing area with new consumers moving in all the time. The legal markets here are still highly competitive, however. Downtown Houston in particular has lots of lawyers and law firms, many of whom spend significant amounts on attorney advertising. To win in this market, you need to understand what drives consumers in the local communities and employ an innovative strategy to capitalize on hidden growth opportunities.
FindLaw’s holistic approach to attorney marketing helps Houston attorneys expand their digital footprint in any market. Our integrated solutions work synergistically to help deliver more profitable cases to your firm, so you can grow your practice and enhance your bottom line. From our award-winning lawyer websites to our Legal Directory placements to our cutting-edge blogging and social media promotion platform to our advanced web traffic conversion technologies to numerous others, FindLaw’s solutions help deliver exceptional results for attorneys and law firms of all types and sizes.
Helpful Links and Resources
You practice law.
Let us handle the marketing.
Let’s discuss your marketing challenges and how firms like yours solve those problems. If nothing else, you’ll walk away with legal marketing knowledge you didn’t have previous to the meeting.