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Small law firms:
Leveraging marketing to
drive business development

The most recent U.S. State of Small Law Firms Report heralds 2023 as “a year of change.” Nearly all firms surveyed (93%) report that they are currently conducting marketing or advertising campaigns, and during the next 12 months, 23% of those firms also plan to increase their investments in marketing and business development.

These figures prove that most small law firms see marketing as a key component to their firm’s growth strategy — and a focused online marketing approach could yield huge dividends. As firms consider ways to foster continued growth, there are certain marketing tactics to keep in mind that can bolster any legal digital marketing strategy.

In this guide, we’ll explore:

  • The current legal marketing landscape for small law firms
  • Four foundational marketing tactics to accelerate your firm’s growth
  • How to increase your firm’s online visibility to attract both legal consumers and search engines
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