Are you happy in your law career? Have you considered what your next step will be? Taking stock of where you are, and how you feel about it, will most certainly help inform where you want to go next. FindLaw’s Legal Career Assessment section covers a broad range of issues in this area: things to consider in becoming partner, strategies for self-assessment, evaluating your current law position, finding satisfaction, and dealing with working all the time. It may be time for you to evaluate your career. FindLaw has tips and tools that will help you get started on your way.
Legal Career Assessment
Legal Career Assessment
Learn More About Legal Career Assessment
Things to Consider in Becoming Partner
How do you know if partnership is right for you? Here are a few things you may want to consider.
Work: It's All I Do!
Many lawyers complain the profession consumes them. Practicing law exemplifies the trading off between time and money. Time truly is money. You sell time; and your life is your time. Law firms are businesses that sell their employees' time.
Surviving a Bad Performance Review, Part I
Many lawyers and professional legal staff prefer to think of themselves as in business for themselves, merely using a group to provide office space, support services, and occasional camaraderie. But this assumed sense of personal independence undergoes a rude awakening when a senior partner calls you into his or her office.
Estimating your market value.
I recently asked for a raise. My boss told me to give him proof that other law firms in the area pay their paralegals more money that I am being paid. How can I obtain this information.
Taking Stock: Evaluating Your Present Position
In our last column, we raised some general issues about the search for career satisfaction in the legal profession and promised to carry on the inquiry with a closer look at the process of evaluating one's present position.
Will Leaving an Employer Before the 2 Year Mark Send Up a Red Flag?
Is there really an unwritten rule leaving an employer prior to reaching the 2 year mark will send up a red flag for all other potential employers?
Legal Career Assessment Articles
Sexual Harassment: What If It Happened at Your Firm?
You're a law practice and work with people educated in the law so sexual harassment couldn't happen in your office, right? The fact is that sexual harassment can happen anywhere including in a law firm setting with all of the power dynamics at play. Read on to learn more about what to do if you find sexual harassment taking place at your firm.
Find Satisfaction in Law - Self Assessment - Value of Not Killing a Mockingbird
Find Satisfaction In the Law: Taking Control over Your Career and Your Life Self-Assessment II: The Value of Not Killing a Mockingbird By Mark L. Byers, Ph.D. and Ronald W.
Are Diversity Programs Truly Effective?
The corporate world has seen an increasing focus on promoting diversity programs, but how effective have these efforts been and are there better ways to improve workforce diversity? This article dives into these questions and more with some surprising insights.
BCG Job Analysis Tool
Is your job 80 percent drudgery? Is the enjoyable 20 percent of your position enough to keep you happy? We're going to assume that because you're reading this, you want to continue pursuing your legal career.
Achieving Career Satisfaction: Make the Investment, But Choose Your Investments Carefully
For many attorneys, career planning is a reactive process. The fallacious belief is that hard work will lead to better opportunity. While this may still be true for some, the workplace has changed and now more than ever, attorneys must take responsibility for their own career development.