Loans And Credit Cards
Financing A Law Firm
Loans And Credit Cards Articles
What Attorneys Should Know About Accepting Credit Cards
While achieving victories for your client is certainly rewarding, the case really doesn't end for you until your fees are paid. Many firms take credit card payments as this is often an easier option for clients, but it's important to understand how the credit card purchasing process works. This article covers some of the key credit card processes you'll encounter as well as more affordable options that exist.
Financial Management in a Contingent Fee Practice
This article illustrates how borrowing funds and converting non-deductible litigation expenses into tax deductible expenses has the cumulative dual benefits of creating a larger pool of funds for law firm investment in litigation costs, growth and partner distributions, and reducing the firm's net cost of using borrowed funds.
Key Points to Consider When Borrowing Money
To get off the ground, most small businesses need financing of some kind. Lenders aren’t handing money out to just anyone. They want to be sure that they will be repaid, and they screen loan applications to limit their exposure to the risk of non-payment. What exactly are lenders analyzing and should you know before seeking a small business loan?
Understanding Credit Scoring
How a lender decides whether or not to loan you money is very much dependent on your credit score. Many solo and small law firms are started using the owner's personal credit to obtain financing, so it is important to understand how credit scores work for both personal and business credit.
The Advantages of Legal Funding
Legal funding has emerged as a valuable resource for cash-starved clients struggling to make ends meet as they wait for pending litigation to be resolved. Although some members of the legal community were initially leery of legal funding, it has proven itself to be an important and valuable financial solution for both attorneys and their clients.
Lawyers: Accepting Credit Card Payments Via Smartphone or Tablet
With mobile credit card processing through your smartphone or tablet, it's easier than ever to get your legal fees paid by credit card.