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Learn about two new laws that may impact companies that collect personal information from California residents, online or offline.
Silvia L. Coulter speaks with FindLaw as part of an ongoing community series with leading law firm marketing experts.
This article looks at website marketing -- guerrilla style.
Mark Beese speaks with FindLaw as part of an ongoing community series with leading law firm marketing experts.
See how Rosabeth Moss Kanter's book, Confidence, influences this author's view on business development.
How can your law firm stand out online and connect with more potential clients?
Knowing the return on a law firm's investment in marketing has never been more crucial. Many firms fail to think about referral fees when analyzing their return on marketing investments. Though not every lawyer should have to become a marketing expert, strategic use of a marketing professional can give law firms a solid informational base from which to make important decisions.
Laura Meherg speaks with FindLaw as part of an ongoing community series with leading law firm marketing experts.
Editors don't often invite writers to submit columns because they usually receive enough unsolicited submissions. Still, most editors are open to looking at what you offer because they always want to publish better information that interests their readers.
When three clients raise the same issue in one week, it goes on my "hot topics" list as one that's likely faced by most of my readers as well. Have you wondered how many people you should bring with you to an upcoming marketing meeting? Recently, three different clients faced this question as they followed up with a potential client. The details varied.