2018's Top 8 Tips for Law Students

While quite a bit has changed about law school over the years, one thing certainly hasn't: It's difficult.
Luckily for law students these days, there's plenty of advice online that you can use to help figure out what's going to work for you. So while you're winding down for semester break, check out the 8 best advice blog articles for law students featured here on FindLaw in 2018.
1. Law Students: 3 Reasons to Stop Worrying About Being Cold Called
Being cold called is just part of law school. This article will give you three very good reasons to not worry about it, and maybe even look forward to it.
2. Social Media and the Moral Character Requirement
Law students may want to consider cleaning up their social media before starting the job hunt, and definitely before their moral character and fitness review. As an attorney or an applicant to a state's bar, photos and questionable comments or posts online could come back to haunt you. Fortunately, since you're a soon-to-be-lawyer, you should be able to figure it out.
3. 1Ls: How to Fix What Went Wrong During Your First Semester
For new law students, figuring out what went wrong can be a real challenge, particularly as most if not all of your grade is based on a single exam. This article gives you some tips on figuring it out.
4. Best Law School Study Group Games
While a handful of people find the massive amounts of reading fun and engaging, playing study games with your study group can really help you retain information better, and make studying a little less miserable. You can learn about three of our favorites here.
5. Law Students: Perfectionism Is Not Your Friend
You know the saying Perfect is the enemy of the good? Well, yeah, it's true for law students too.
6. Best Background Music to Focus While Studying
Law students spend a lot of time studying, but you probably didn't know that classical music isn't actually the best music to study to. It's almost unsurprising to learn why you should have been listening to nature sounds all along.
7. Three Words of Advice for New Law Students: Question, Answer, Love
When you're in the thick of classes, study groups, sections, late night study sessions, and all that law school involves, it can be difficult to take a step back and see the bigger picture. But doing so can really help you maintain your balance and stay the course.
8. The 4 Best Resources for a Law Student's Tool Kit
We all need somebody or something to lean on. You can read about four of the best resources law students can lean on when they need a helping hand.
Related Resources:
- 3 Ways Lawyers and Law Students Can Be Less Cynical (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- Law School Horror Stories According to Buzzfeed (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- Law Students: Can You Trust Your Study Group? (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)