Can Children Be Sued?

While it might not be a great motivator for children to behave, children can potentially be sued for their actions. But it's usually the minor's parents who foot the bill for their child’s actions.
The law offers some legal rights and protection to minor children who are sued for personal injury or property damage, but for the most part, they can still be held liable for their legal misdeeds.
Is My Child Liable?
The law in most jurisdictions follows some guidelines for children:
- If your child is under four years of age, almost all courts acknowledge no liability for that child's negligent acts. They are still mostly under parental responsibility.
- If your child is between the ages of four and 14, there is a strong presumption that children are incapable of contributory negligence. This presumption can be overcome, however. An injured person must present evidence showing that a "reasonable child" would have understood the situation and the danger involved. This is based on a standard of other children the same age and with similar intelligence and experience.
- Some courts apply a "reasonable adult" standard to children who are engaged in certain "adult" activities, such as riding a snowmobile.
- The age of majority, also called the legal age, is typically 18 under most state laws. Some 17-year-olds can be tried as adults.
- Emancipated minors (minors who have a court order freeing them from parental control) can be sued. They must handle their own financial affairs if they lose the case, just like if they were an adult.
There might be some cases where your young child intentionally injures someone. If a jury determines they were old enough to have the intent to commit that harm, then your child can be sued for their actions.
Does My Child Need a Lawyer?
Under common law principles, parents are generally not responsible for third parties being injured by their children’s actions. This is why the injured parties have to sue the child directly.
However, many states have enacted laws to hold parents vicariously liable for their children's torts, which are actions that cause harm or injury to another. Most state laws also cap parental liability at a specific dollar amount.
Minors cannot represent themselves in court, so they need a lawyer. It is in the best interests of the minor to have attorney representation, so the court will provide a guardian at litem to represent the child.
This guardian can also help your child countersue (since minors cannot file suit on their own) and can sign court documents on behalf of the child.
Parents always have the option to hire a lawyer on behalf of their child -- or for the family -- if the suit involves the parents as well.
Can the Whole Family Be Sued?
When a child injures a person, that injured party can sue both the child and the parent in court to recover damages for things like medical expenses. Let's say a child drives a car illegally and causes a car accident.
The child's parents can be sued under a theory of negligent supervision. The child may also be sued under negligence or an intentional tort. This depends on how their actions contributed to the crash or injuries.
Suing a Minor and Winning
A verdict finding both the parents and child responsible could mean the whole family is legally obligated to compensate the injured person. They will be expected to pay for the injured person's medical bills and may need to replace the motor vehicle. Although in reality, parents foot the bill for their children's suits anyway.
To learn more about injury lawsuits involving children and potential parental liability, you may want to consult an experienced personal injury lawyer near you.
Related Resources:
- Am I Civilly Liable for My Kids' Actions? (FindLaw's Injured)
- Parental Liability Basics (FindLaw)
- 8 Reasons You Can Legitimately Sue a Minor and Win (