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Terrell Suggs Ordered to Turn Over Guns in Domestic Case

By Andrew Lu | Last updated on

In the wake of Jovan Belcher's murder-suicide, it is now being reported that Baltimore Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs was recently required to surrender several guns to authorities as part of a domestic dispute.

Suggs' long-time girlfriend Candace Williams reportedly filed for a court order last month following a domestic violence incident, The Baltimore Sun reports.

Suggs lawfully possessed the guns, but turned them in to police as part of the court order.

Suggs and Williams have had a somewhat rocky relationship. Williams was once Suggs' fiance and is the mother of two of his children, reports the Sun. As far back as 2009, there are records of domestic issues between the two.

In a 2009 court filing seeking a protective order, Williams complained that the Ravens linebacker knocked her down over an argument about game-day tickets, writes the Sun. The complaint states that Suggs threw a soap dispenser at Williams' head, and that Suggs held a bottle of bleach over her and their 1-year-old son.

Williams did receive a temporary protective order, but rescinded it after about a month as the couple tried to reconcile.

Just last month, Suggs and Williams were involved in a custody complaint and two 911 calls were reportedly made from Suggs' home. However, no police reports were made, and it's not clear what the calls were about.

Domestic violence cases oftentimes involve many incidents that gradually increase in terms of severity and violence. Victims of abuse can typically take several steps to protect themselves.

We do not know exactly what happened in the Suggs' home. However, Candace Williams appears to have taken many of the proper steps to de-escalate a potentially violent situation.

If you believe that your partner or household member may act violently, you may want to consider a protective order. With such an order, a court may order that your partner stay away from you or turn over his weapons. And in cases where the threat of danger is more imminent, you can contact 911 for immediate assistance.

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