Alaska Overtime Laws

Whether you are working for an Alaskan fishery or an oil business, you might be entitled to overtime wages if you feel that you are working more than the normally expected amount of hours. Under Alaska law, if an employee works more than eight hours in one day or more than 40 hours in a week, then they are entitled to 1.5 times their normal hourly pay rate for all time worked over those limits. For all other aspects of overtime law, Alaska follows the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). However, employers with less than four employees are not subject to Alaska overtime laws.

Alaska Overtime Law Overview

Important parts of Alaska overtime laws are provided in the below chart.

State and Federal Statutes

Overtime Calculation Methods

  • Hourly: Pay time and a half (1.5 times the regular rate) for hours worked in excess of 40 hours per workweek.
  • Hourly Plus Bonus and/or Commission: Regular rate = Total hours times hourly rate, plus the workweek equivalent of the bonus and/or commission, divided by the total hours in the workweek; then pay half of that regular rate for each overtime hour.
  • Salary: Regular rate = Salary divided by the number of hours the salary is intended to compensate.
    • If the regular hours are less than 40: Add regular rate for each hour up to 40, then pay time and a half for hours over 40.
    • If the regular hours = 40: Pay time and a half for hours over 40.

Exempt from FLSA

  • The following classes of employees are not entitled to overtime pay in Alaska (partial list):
    • Professional employees
    • Executive employees
    • Administrative employees
    • Agricultural workers
    • Workers employed in the taking of aquatic life
    • Workers who hand pick shrimp

Note: State laws are always subject to change through the passage of new legislation, rulings in the higher courts (including federal decisions), ballot initiatives, and other means. While we strive to provide the most current information available, please consult an attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

Holiday and Vacation Time

Alaska overtime law does not require employers to offer vacation pay, paid holidays, sick leave, or premium pay for work during holidays. If an employer offers such benefits, they may determine the conditions and terms under which they are offered.

Meal Breaks and Rest Periods

Under Alaska overtime law, employers must also provide minors (under the age of 17) with at least a 30-minute break period if they work five or more consecutive hours. However, employers are not required to provide breaks to employees who are 18 and older. Furthermore, if an employer permits a break that is less than 20 minutes, the employee must be paid for such a break. On the other hand, if an employer offers a break for longer than 20 minutes and relieves the employee of all work duties during that time (e.g. employees are free to do whatever they want during that period), then the employer does need to pay that employee for that break time.

Alaska Overtime Exemptions

Alaska exempts certain employees from its overtime laws, such as:

  • Professional employees
  • Executive employees
  • Administrative employees
  • Agricultural workers
  • Workers employed in the taking of aquatic life
  • Workers who hand pick shrimp
  • Domestic service workers (such as babysitters) employed in or about a private home
  • Workers employed by the United States, State or local government
  • Workers who offer services to a nonprofit religious, charitable, cemetery, or educational organization on a voluntary basis
  • Workers who deliver newspapers to the consumer
  • Watchmen or caretakers of property, plants or premises that are not in operation for 4 or more months
  • Outside salesmen working on a straight commission basis
  • Workers who search for placer or hard rock minerals
  • Minors under 18 years hold who work 30 hours or less per week
  • Independent cab drivers

Research the Law

Pursue Overtime Wages by Contacting an Alaska Attorney

Alaska's overtime laws can have many nuances unique to the state, especially considering the presence of fishing and marine-based industries. If you think your employer owes you overtime wages, or want to discover more about Alaska overtime laws, you can contact a local Alaskan attorney now in order to pursue a potential overtime wages case or seek other remedies.

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