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We help grow your firm

FindLaw is a one-stop law firm marketing provider, working exclusively with attorneys and law firms to grow their business. From websites to social media to online legal directories, we get you in front of more potential clients than anyone else.

How FindLaw helps your firm

Build Your Online Presence

How do I build my brand?

Catch the attention of legal consumers and keep it with our award-winning designs, top legal directories, and website marketing packages — all powered by best-in-class SEO experts.

Get quality clients

How do I grow my firm?

FindLaw’s digital marketing experts can market your firm in a variety of ways with our pay-per-click campaigns, Super Lawyers, and social media to reach a larger audience.

Connect with legal consumers

How do I connect with prospects?

FindLaw’s ratings & reviews platform, chat and call services, blogs, and Spanish solutions grow your credibility and connects with your desired clients.

Know what's working

How do I track my performance?

INSIGHT is the performance analytics platform for FindLaw. Easily track the performance metrics and trends of your marketing programs in a user-friendly interface.

# 1 in Legal Marketing & Branding Services and Hall of Fame

# 1 in Legal Marketing & Branding Services and Hall of Fame

Know What's Working Analytics at a glance

Our INSIGHT tool presents performance data in context with a consistent framework to help make sense of the data and see the value of your marketing investment. Subscribers can easily track their performance metrics and trends of the FindLaw marketing programs in a user-friendly interface.

Learn more about INSIGHT
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Client testimonials and case studies

Dolores Contreras, Founding Attorney
Contreras Law Firm

“Our future is with FindLaw. I don’t stress about my business because I am partnered with a company who has my best interest at heart.”

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Client testimonials and case studies

Devin Quackenbush
Quackenbush Legal PLLC

"FindLaw has catapulted us to a place I didn't think was achievable before. It gives us a significant edge."

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Read full testimonial

Client testimonials and case studies

Lauren Clark
Lauren Clark Law Office

"I went to school to be an attorney, not a website developer. Partnering with FindLaw took that pressure off me. I noticed a huge difference in cases after FindLaw took over and built my website."

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Read full testimonial

Client testimonials and case studies

Steven Mindel, Managing Partner
Feinberg, Mindel, Brandt, & Klein

"After the Super Lawyers magazine comes out, and we mail copies of the ad out to our database, we get double or triple the number of calls…There’s a clear impact: it’s significant, and it’s monetizable."

Client testimonials and case studies

Zelda Zarco, Director of Marketing & Special Projects
Zarco, Einhorn, Salkowski

"Team TR has worked very closely, professionally, and diligently with me to craft and maintain a very effective online marketing strategy, including an excellent user-friendly website design, SEO for Internet ranking, PPC ads for relevant client leads, and well researched legal blogs for our practice area."

Marketing resources

You can’t afford to waste money on marketing and client acquisition that doesn’t deliver. Ensure your marketing works as hard as you do with our free collection of resources.

Legal Marketing 101

Marketing basics are rarely part of law school curriculums. Good thing we’ve got everything you need to get started.

Get our guides

Optimizing Your Marketing Strategy

Effectively optimize your firm’s marketing activities with these top resources.

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Branding And Social Media

How they work together to build your firm’s business. 

Get the free guide

Solo Practitioner Marketing Tips

A collection of do-it-yourself marketing resources exclusively for the one-attorney-shop.

Get key resources