Law Firm Marketing We help grow your firm
FindLaw is a one-stop law firm marketing provider, working exclusively with attorneys and law firms to grow their business. From websites to social media to online legal directories, we get you in front of more potential clients than anyone else.
17,000+ law firms trust FindLaw with their marketing
Monthly visitors to the industry’s most extensive legal directory,
Our legal directory visitors are 3x more likely to contact a firm than visitors referred by Google
How FindLaw helps your firm
Build Your Online Presence
How do I build my brand?
Catch the attention of legal consumers and keep it with our award-winning designs, top legal directories, and website marketing packages — all powered by best-in-class SEO experts.
Get quality clients
How do I grow my firm?
FindLaw’s digital marketing experts can market your firm in a variety of ways with our pay-per-click campaigns, Super Lawyers, and social media to reach a larger audience.
Connect with legal consumers
How do I connect with prospects?
FindLaw’s ratings & reviews platform, chat and call services, blogs, and Spanish solutions grow your credibility and connects with your desired clients.
Know what's working
How do I track my performance?
INSIGHT is the performance analytics platform for FindLaw. Easily track the performance metrics and trends of your marketing programs in a user-friendly interface.
# 1 in Legal Marketing & Branding Services and Hall of Fame

Know What's Working Analytics at a glance
Our INSIGHT tool presents performance data in context with a consistent framework to help make sense of the data and see the value of your marketing investment. Subscribers can easily track their performance metrics and trends of the FindLaw marketing programs in a user-friendly interface.
Marketing resources