Writing valuable blog posts is a critical aspect of online legal marketing. A good law blog can help boost SEO, raise a law firm’s brand awareness and prove your expertise to legal consumers interested in hiring you.
But starting a blog is one thing. Most attorneys have the knowledge and talent to go on at length about common topics in their practice area. But a well-crafted post is only one part of the process. Optimizing your content so that it gets found is another. Below are a few tips to boost your legal blog’s search engine optimization.
#1. Be the Authority
The objective of your blog is to prove your expertise to consumers before they walk in the door. Google refers to this as “authority,” and it’s a metric they use to decide if your site is one that legal consumers should see.
Building authority on your blog starts with creating posts that provide detailed information a consumer may need or analysis of current events facing your practice area. Your content should be very specific to your brand and your legal consumers. It should also be local. Because “near me” searches are on the rise, Google wants to offer up content that’s relevant to someone’s community. Writing about local issues will help the search engine recognize you as someone valuable to that legal consumer just down the street.
#2. If You Lack Authority, Build It
It doesn’t happen overnight. You already know the questions your prospects are asking, so answer them on your blog. And answer them in detail.
According to Snap Agency, Google is looking for blog posts around the 2,000-word mark. That’ll give you plenty of room to expand on your ideas and prove your expertise to both search engines and readers.
Did You Know?
93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. *Junto, 2018
#3. Make Your Content Relevant
Make your posts relevant to consumers and make them easy to read but as comprehensive as possible. The law is complicated, so don’t be afraid to tackle the complexities when you’re writing. Google appreciates the word count and considering the volume of free advice and DIY content on the web as a whole, a thorough post may be just what it takes to convince readers that the law is too intricate to go it alone.
#4. And Your Cadence Regular
Speaking of DIY, for many attorneys, putting words on the page once in a while really isn’t the hardest part. It’s establishing a reliable content volume that stymies many would-be bloggers. No matter how expertly crafted a single post is, if you’re not following it up with more regular content, search engines will treat you like a one-hit wonder at best.
Maintaining relevance in the eyes of search engines and prospects means writing and publishing new content on a regular basis. A cadence of weekly or bi-weekly posts serves as a sign of life search engines can scan for.
If you’re not maintaining a consistent schedule, you’re sending search engines a message that your website and blog can’t be relied upon. Publish regularly, however, and you’re giving them a reason to trust your website.
Did You Know?
Companies that produced 16+ posts every month saw more than four times as much traffic as those who posted between 0 and 4 times. *Junto, 2018
#5. Don't Forget Keywords
It might seem odd that I’m addressing keywords last, but authority and relevance really should take priority in your SEO content planning. That’s partially because the importance of keyword searches has decreased since the early days of keyword stuffing. Back in the old days, repeating words and phrases relevant to a query was enough to show up in search.
Google, Bing and the like are now more sophisticated. They know when a website is attempting to manipulate them in this way. Nowadays Google is more concerned with detailed answers to a user’s question than the raw volume of keywords in a given post.
That’s certainly not to say keywords can be ignored. They need to be incorporated into your writing – both naturally and strategically. Search engines are smart enough to recognize your tactics and they know when you’re adding words because you think it’s necessary. Keep the writing fluid and you’ll please Google along with your human readers.
With regards to strategy, there are plenty of websites that offer help narrowing down a list of keywords based on all variety of factors. I’ll admit, there’s a bit of a learning curve to these sites to say the least. But with some effort and discipline, attorneys can use them to build a list of keywords to weave into their blog content. Just remember, keep things natural and relevant to your target audience.
Legal blogs have been a key component of digital law firm marketing for years. But the days of high-volume low-strategy output are behind us – if they ever really existed at all. To draw in more readers and increase your pool of prospects, your blog content needs to be optimized well and often. Not quite ready to go it alone with your SEO and content strategy? FindLaw can help. Schedule an appointment with your local consultant today.