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A Case Study In Law Firm Marketing: Roberts Law Group

When FindLaw started seeing a noticeable decrease in traffic to, we contacted the client – Roberts Law Group – to address their new challenge. While the law firm’s marketing program had performed at a high level in the past, clearly something had changed. Roberts Law Group had always focused on using best practices in its online marketing. Over time, however, increased competition from other law firms began to take its toll. Not only had competing firms increased their own marketing budgets, they were mimicking Roberts Law Group’s online tactics. What had once set our client apart was now commonplace. “It didn’t take long for my FindLaw team to commit to finding a solution… they worked tirelessly to diagnose issues as they arose." - Attorney Patrick Roberts


After extensive research and testing, we worked with the law firm to come up with a strategic plan focused on an integrated marketing solution. The ultimate goal? Regaining Robert’s Law Group’s past success. The plan included mobile optimization, a revamped design, updated content and an enhanced social media strategy. With improvements to these areas, along with a boost to some back-end optimization, Roberts Law Group experienced a 16 percent growth in organic traffic and was on its way back to the top of the podium.


To see more details on how Roberts Law Group and FindLaw worked together to update their online marketing strategy and surpass their previous expectations of success, download the full case study here or click the thumbnail above.

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