Finding A New Niche For Your Law Firm

Have you heard of (or worked on) a cross-border divorce? A cross-border divorce, for example, could be a husband from Miami seeking to divorce his wife, who happens to be a Colombian citizen. Situations like this one are a growing phenomenon among Hispanic families in certain regions throughout the United States. I spoke about these cases as an example in our webcast, Positioning Your Firm To Capture The Hispanic Market but the lessons here can be applied to any market. Just think about the bigger story: Law firms that can recognize trends and optimize their marketing accordingly face a unique opportunity. These responsive, forward-thinking law firms have developed a new “specialty” and a new client base simply by being open to the opportunity. Your firm might not be facing this exact scenario, but the lessons apply to any law firm, anywhere.

  1. Watch for trends. Do you know the bankruptcy rate in your region? Has your state made a legislative shift that could affect the volume of DUI cases coming your way? By knowing your market’s present status and past performance, you’ll be able to plan for its future. Not only that, but having an awareness of the broader marketplace will help you make the right decisions when your business fluctuates. (You can read more on that in our white paper: Your Traffic Report Is Lying To You.)
  2. Move quickly. It’s a fact that consumers move quickly when taking legal action. That means your law firm needs to act fast as well. The good news is, targeting a new niche doesn’t have to feel like turning the Titanic. Use fast tactics like PPC, lead generation and blog posts to reach a specific audience. You’ll get the right message in front of the right people without having to engage in a wholesale re-branding of your firm.

Of course every case is different, but the key to finding a new niche might be that simple. Trends really are all around you and while two similar cases might be a fluke, three could be a pattern. Is your firm able to connect the dots?


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